Friday, February 19, 2010

Pretty Tally Cards

I couldn't believe when I opened this box at an Antique store recently to find these sweet Tally cards!

I didn't expect to find anything so cute when I lifted this lid. I don't know how Bridge is played or what pieces it comes with but these cuties were not what I was expecting. I just liked the pretty box!

Along with these little cuties were these sweet ring shaped Tally cards.

I was amazed at how well their crepe paper bonnets and bows had held there shape!
The lady that checked me out commented that she had seen those and thought they were cute but since she didn't play bridge she decided she didn't need them! Can you imagine? Buying these little sweet cards and using them for bridge?  

I wish you all a wonderful weekend, Lindsey


  1. Oh my yes. Those are so sweet. Very unusual.

  2. What an amazing find, Lindsey--well done!!! I certainly wouldn't use those crepe cuties for keeping score--much better things to do with them, I think! Have fun creating!!!

  3. I think you will come up with some very fun uses for these little sweeties. What a super find I love them.

  4. What a cute find! Double luck or should I say triple, or even better multiple. Have a great weekend too ladies!

  5. Oh such a treasure.....
    I am a bit jealous, Oh I love it.
    The fine colours and the lovely hanging card....oh such catch.
    Nice weekend

  6. Very sweet, you just had to buy the box! I love those sweet little faces! Hugs, Diane

  7. These little bridge accountants are simply scrumptious! What an incredible find! Like something you see in a wonderful dream and as you wake up, you try to hold tight, TIGHTER! But, alas, it fades from your fingers' grip... *sigh*

    NOT this time, you lucky dog, you!

  8. How adorable, Lindsey! How fun to open that lid! It must have given you a real giddy up! ♥

  9. Hi Lindsey,

    Wow, what a haul! Those are adorable, and so unusual. Can you just see two groups of four ladies sitting at some little card tables, all prim and proper, just gossiping away! Thanks for sharing.


  10. Love those little cuties! Don't 'cha just love it when you find something that cute? Enjoy your day my friend!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous! How lovely to have these wonderful!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  12. Hi Girls! Those are so adorable!...but really, I think you guys have a special gift for searching out the good stuff! Have a fun weekend!!! xoxo

  13. They totally rock, Lindsey! I am looking at those crepe paper beauties thinking how sweet they would be on a place cards, or a spring lunch menu or something like that. You will have to find a way for us to re-create them. Enjoy your new peeps!

  14. What a sweet find! Don't you just love finding those hidden treasures! xx

  15. OH my goodness! Isn't it amazing what some people pass up that the rest of think is such a treasure? I would've run for the hills if I had found those!
    Very fun!
    Some days are diamonds

  16. Wow Lindsey, doesn't it just get your heart pumping faster when you come across a treat like that! Thanks for sharing, I love stuff like that!

  17. Well, I'm afraid I've never played bridge, but these are ADORABLE!! I'm surprised not only by their shape, but by the color! They do not show any yellowing that I can see! Great find! ~tina

  18. I'ne not heard of tally cards before, but they are just fab!xx

  19. Oh my!!!! I LOVE THESE!!!!! Look how each their hairdo's are all styled differently! This was a find indeed!!! I am linking up your Esty shop on under Crafty Mamas! Have a great day!

  20. Isn't it exciting to find these things? I love finding the unexpected at antique stores.


  21. I am truely amazed at the things you find certainly seem to have the magic nose for hunting things out...they are divine!
    Warmest hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  22. Lindsey, Fainting in Ohio! Oh my goodness! Just letting you know I have a fun swap just beginning. I have saved you a spot just in case, but not to worry at all if you pass this one by. You have been one busy paper gal lately! Again, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful find! Have a great weekend! Elizabeth

  23. Those tally cards are the cutest thing I've ever seen! That's why we go in search of a treasure ...sometimes we find one..or two! They are beautiful! ♥

  24. Oh my gosh Twyla, those are so much fun! What a find! I'll look forward to hearing how you will display those cuties. (GASP! I can't imagine anyone using something so dear, makes me feel faint.)
    Happy weekend!

  25. What a totally cool find! Isn't it fun to open the lid to a 'mystery' and find those?!

    Lovely : )

  26. Never seen any think like them before. Great find!

  27. They tried to teach me how to play Bridge when I was going to college and that is one game that I couldn't understand all of the terms. They are so cute and you don't have to use them for that.
    We had rain sleet and snow, now we are back to a Heavy Mist. I wouldn't have known that if I hadn't gone out to move the car so they could finished blading the driveway. Take care.

  28. Really super great!! What a treasure!
    Hugs, Lisa

  29. That is a WONDERFUL find! Those little girls are stinkin sweet and I bet you will have fun with them!
    Happy Weekend Lindsey and Twyla!
    Deb :)

  30. Oh how cute they are.....
    Can't wait to see what you will do with them! :)
    Have a great weekend!

  31. WHat a lucky lady finding these cuties. I would have had a fit if I came across them..hahaha
    They are just to precious. No I can not imagine using them to keep score on. Thanks for sharing these with us

  32. Wow. This is an amazing find. Way to go, Lindsey.

  33. Wow! Who knew that Bridge was a game played with such cuteness involved. The box is even gorgeous! I know that you will find something wonderful to do with all that goodness. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Tammy

  34. Woo-hoo!!! What a fabulous find!!! I've never seen anything like these and they are priceless! Isn't it just the greatest fun when you find something so unique! (I always like to imagine what life was like; who loved these at the time they were popular; and how each piece we find is filled with history!) Love it...HAPPY PINK SATURDAY! Hugs, Coralie

  35. How cute are those! My goodness that is cute eye candy! My mother in law played bridge but not like that! Treasures for sure you lucky Lindsey!

  36. Oh, wow - I am completely in LOVE with those!! You are a very lucky girl to find such a treasure box!!!!

  37. How cute! You would think they were new!

  38. What a lucky find!
    They are brilliant!

  39. So happy to help out a fellow blogger friend! The Pioneer Woman Rocks does she not!!! Have a blessed weekend!
    Mama Holli

  40. So cute! I'd want to play just so I could have a cute tally card! Love the tutorial on your Girlfriend collage too! Great job!


  41. WOW!!! What an amazing find!! You lucky thing!! Absolutely drop dead gorgeous!!!! I just lovve them!!!
    Hugs Louxxx


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