Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Have My Heart

Hello!  Today I thought I would share my favorite pattern for crochet hearts.
You can use whatever colors you like.  I made these using Red Heart yarn from my leftover stash.

With size H hook, chain 3.
Row 1:  Sc in second ch from hook and in next ch, turn.                                                                
 Row 2:  Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc, turn- 3sc.
Row 3:  Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in last sc, turn- 5sc.
Row 4:  Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in last sc, turn- 7 sc.
Row 5:  Sk first sc, 5 dc in next sc (shell made), sk next sc, slip st in next sc, sk next sc, 5 dc in next sc, sk last sc, slip st in beginning ch, turn - 2 shells.
Work now proceeds in rounds.
Round 6:  Ch 2 (does not count as a st), 2 dc in next 3 dc, sc in next dc, slip st in next dc, sk next slip st, slip st in next dc, sc in next dc, 2 dc in next 3 dc, working in ends of rows, work 6 dc evenly spaced along side of heart; working along opposite side of foundation ch, 3 dc in space between 2 sc at base of heart; working in ends of rows, work 6 dc evenly spaced up side of heart; join with slip st in top of beginning ch.
Round 7:  (Change color now if you want to) Ch 2, 2 dc in next 6 dc, sc in next sc, slip st between next 2 slip sts, sc in next sc, 2 dc in next 6 dc, dc in next 7 dc, 3 dc in next dc (point), dc in next 7 dc; join with slip st in top of beginning ch.  Fasten off.

     You can string these together to make a pretty garland if you'd like!

A couple of heart shaped Valentines for you to enjoy or use if you'd like!

Be sure and come back tomorrow for some exciting news and a giveaway!
Have a wonderful day!


  1. I should have known this before; I spent a part of my Friday nigth looking for heart crochet patterns on the internet (and found one, but didn't make a single one though :-( ). These ones really look cool, I love the 'edge', making it a real heartshape. I have to get myself familiar to the English words used in crochet! The vintage heart shaped cards are so lovely, thanks again. Have a lovely day!

  2. They are sweet! I love crocheting as well.Just may try that sometime.

    Have a nice day!

  3. So cute, I can't wait to try one! That means a trip to Hobby Lobby for yarn! Blessings.

  4. These look lovely - I must give them a try, I am into crochet hearts at the moment - thank you!

  5. Oh, how I LOVE those crochet hearts...*swoon* xo

  6. Great minds think alike! I crocheted valentine hearts too! I made pot holders with mine!



  7. Your hearts are very pretty!! Thanks for sharing the pattern. I have a different pattern I use, but it is so different than yours. I'm going to make some of yours up today.

    and I'm off to crochet!

  8. Hi Twyla...How fun, a give away. Your my cup of tea. We started my second give away today The Enchanted Playhouse. The door is still open if you would like to come play...grab our bike and meet us on the corner of The Enchanted Parkway!

  9. How cute and thank you for the pattern!

  10. Thanks for this sweet pattern...I am going to give one a try.....have a blessed day to both of you girls....

  11. Ooh I love these....thanks for posting the pattern!

  12. Oh, thank you so much. I've printed out your instructions. I'm definitely going to try this out. Rosie

  13. So much Valentine's goodness here! Love the crocheted hearts and the beautiful heart-shaped vintage Valentines--all of it is just perfect! Hope you're both having a lovely day!

  14. Love the crocheted hearts...too cute and they would make a beautiful garland!

  15. Hi Twyla,
    I hope everything is okay with you both. YOur little hearts are adorable, really pretty.
    Hearts everywhere on the blogs at the moment!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  16. Sweet little hearts, and I love the colors that you used! I'm still looking for the perfect patient person to teach me how to crochet, and hopefully these hearts are relatively easy to do for a beginner!
    Have a great day!

  17. Hi, Twyla!

    Oh those hearts are so cute! They would look very sweet hung together!

    Wow that's kind of a racey "burning up" Valentine, huh? ☺

    Hey, some are having a hard time getting through to my blog. I don't know what's up! Hopefully I haven't been hacked.

  18. Sharp!These hearts are so sweet!
    You are so talented!
    Have a lovely evening.

  19. Cute hearts! I'd love to (try) to make one, but it all looks greek to me. Love the vintage valentine cards!
    Patricia :o)

  20. Hi Twyla!
    I must learn how to crochet so I can make those darling hearts. So very cute! And thank you so much for the ongoing valentine images, your collection is extensive, you lucky and so wonderful!
    Happy Wednesday!

  21. Hi Twyla,
    Your hearts would make a lovely banner!
    Happy Wednesday!
    Deb :)

  22. You are very talented, Twyla!! The hearts are beautiful.

  23. Now I really must learn to crochet as these hearts are adorable

    Victoria xx

  24. Did i tell you that I love ARTful blogging and that I love that you are in it?

    Did I tell you that I quite enjoy all the delight that you feature on this blog?

    Did I tell you that you inspire me?

  25. Thanks for the pattern! I'm going to copy it out! Enjoy the afternoon! ♥

  26. I love the crocheted hearts.It is a niceway to use up leftover yarn. Thanks for posting the pattern.


  27. I love your heart Valentine. I wonder how much I have forgotten about crocheting. I will borrow some of hubby's yarn. He won't care as long it is not a color he is working with. He is making an afghan, but for some reason he is ripping out more then he is knitting. It keeps him occupied and that is the main thing. I am borrowing one of your Valentines for my blog, I hope that you don't mind. You all take care.

  28. Those crocheted hearts are adorable! And thanks for sharing the adorable cards!

  29. Hi Twyla. The hearts are so sweet and I don't need to tell you how much I love all the vintage cards that you're so generous to share.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  30. Hi Twyla...
    Your hearts are darling!!
    Isn't it amazing what can be created with left over "scraps"?? I agree, they'd look so cute strung together as a garland/banner... or scattered on a table or dresser... or in a pretty glass jar... or, or, or!!!
    And you know I'm lovin' the Vintage Cards... Thanks for sharing so much of your world 'n heart with us...

    ~ hugs 'n love ~
    Pearl ♥

  31. I love your crochet hearts! They would look great as a garland. I wish I knew how to crochet ...

  32. Thank you for the pattern~I am gonna make some up :) I found you thru a link from my friend Tammy at T's Daily Treasures.


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