Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

The new year is for new beginnings and I am proud of my new banner that Lindsey made for my Twyla Tuesday posts.
There is something so hopeful and exciting about starting fresh. A Whole new year!
I'm so excited to share with you what I've been doing lately! After doing a Lot of knitting, I was ready to start a new crochet project. I love making afghans and was inspired to make a ripple by my friend, Sue of Mrs. Twins. She makes beautiful ripple afghans.
Lindsey quickly claimed this one.

I have also refreshed my work space. I took a desk that wasn't being used and put my drawers on the back to hold trinkets. It's still a work in progress, but I am loving the space.

I also have been wanting to show you some of my new treasures! I was at an antique mall and was drawn to this bisque baby. The gentleman who took it from the case said, 'That looks like a piano baby.' I said, 'What's a piano baby?' He told me they were made in the 1800's and people sat them on their pianos. Of course, I came home and did more research on my own. I was pretty sure it was worth more than the $12.00 I paid for it.
You can read more about them here.

With money I received for Christmas I was able to buy myself a treasure that I
had been wanting for a while. I love old lithographs and had been searching for just the right one. I spotted this one before Christmas but couldn't afford it then. I went back with Christmas money in hand, holding my breath that it would still be there. I absolutely love this picture and the frame is gorgeous! My picture here just doesn't do it justice.

I am overwhelmed by the kindness of friends who are so loyal to drop by and visit us here. Your friendship means more than I have words to express. I am so blessed to have 'met' you all! I think of you all the time, you have become a part of my world and I am so enriched by knowing you.
Wishing you all much happiness!


  1. Oh, you are both very creative! My DD is creative too, I wish one day we could join up and doing something fun like you two-Hugs Nat

  2. I think you got yourself a real deal on that piano baby. I love the space you made with all your special things.

  3. What gorgeous finds, Twyla! Love your piano baby! I love learning more about things like that--going to go & check out the site!

    How do you start a ripple afghan? I've been doing a lot of knitting, too...I have SO much yarn, this looks like it would be a really fun project! Is it easy to learn?

    You are both two of my favorite blessings of the past year--so glad we've met and I look forward to much more fun together this year as we all learn and grow with our creativity!

  4. Compliments to Lindsey for making that new banner, I just love it! Love the afghan too, that was on my to do list last year...and still is! And of course the piano baby is too cute. I love your display. Great Idea to use the drawers that way. Of course I love to be here too, that is the fun part of blogland. Getting to know people all the time and enjoying each other posts and learning from one another! Thanks to you guys!

  5. What a great banner, Lindsey has done a fabulous job!
    Love all your new things, the afgan looks very cosy!
    I'd love for you to pop over to take part in my giveaway, see you there!

  6. Dearest Twyla,
    You are so kind to pop over and visit....I appreciate as well all of the lovely people that I have met through blogging. There are so many talents and interests that make blogland just as diverse and wonderful as our "physical" world and space. Your crafts and workspace are sweet and reflect I am sure, who YOU are. Thank you for your kind comments and your new look is beautiful!!! Have a great day. Anita

  7. Love the doll Twyla! I cant believe you only paid 12.00 for her.What a deal that was.

    Love the afghan that Lyndsey chose looks warm and snuggly.Its freezing here this morning and we are not supposed to get much warmer all week.Have a great day!

  8. I like your new banner, Twyla! I'm loving your work space, too!

    Such a pretty afghan! Do you know how many afghans you have made?

    Do you have a piano for your baby to sit on? I clicked on the link you gave. So does *your* piano baby have a mark? I'd love to talk to that man...

    I'm blessed to have known you too, Twyla! ♥ ♥ ♥

  9. The afghan you made is BEAUTIFUL, Twyla!.. and antique shopping?.. at an antique MALL?! Wish I could have come with you! We don't have one of those anywhere near around here! It sounds like FUN, and your cute little piano baby is so sweet!... Looking forward to visiting, crocheting, crafting, shopping, collecting, and all the fun we can get into in the new year ahead! ~tina

  10. Great new banner!!!!

    You are adding yet more treats to your treasure trove! You have wonderful taste.

    Victoria xxx

  11. I love all of your treasures, Twyla, and your new banner. I haven't been to an antique mall in a while. We have a really nice one here, but it's about an hour away, and their weather there is worse ours is, and ours is pretty bad. What is it about vintage that attracts so many people I wonder?

  12. I am looking forward to this new year with a lot of hope and promise. it feels good. Love your banner, and love your desk area. You have inspired me to re-organize my crafting work space, and make it more inviting. Thanks. Love that doll.....I betcha it's worth way more than $12.00. Looking forward to ayear of friendship and crafting
    Hugs, Kathleen

  13. Wonderful way to greet the New Year... I love the treasures you've found... especially the picture of the boy and girl in winter... just beautiful...

  14. I too am crocheting an afghan.... It is a type of a ripple. The main reason was to keep my lap warm while doing it... also I got a little weary of embroidery!! ((Just temporary)) LOL!!
    Just love the lithograph!!
    Super cold here with more on the way!!

  15. What a gift in itself that your sweet daughter made this for you! I'm celebrating my daughter today too, it's her 22 birthday. All the sentiment you displayed today on your blog is "Ditto" in my world. Toasting to friendship, I'm thinking we've arrived in a very good land indeed..blog land!

  16. My daughter has found her love in knitting too. Ihe is currently knitting a festive pink garland for her tree next year...she is using the finger knitting technique. I believe you got a steal on the doll and the lithograph is just beautiful! I love treasure finds!

  17. Happy New Year Twyla-looks like you are off to a good start with your new creative space and great treasures you have purchased.

  18. Love your ripple afghan. The colors are so pretty & it looks soft and cozy.
    Your works space looks like a cheerful place to spend time creating beautiful things.

  19. Good morning Twyla, hope you and Lindsay and the family had a great new year celebration and wish you much happiness and blessings for this new year.
    What a great Baby piano you have found and what you were wainting to buy is just great, a very lovely image, and also your crochet is just beautiful.
    Muchos cariños and hugs to you both,
    Maria Cecilia

  20. Twyla, I loved everything about this post. Actually I would love to come and play at your delightful desktop, so many treasures!!! The afghan is so pretty and the piano baby is quite a find!
    I am so glad to finally have time to read and respond to my favorite blogs.
    Happy New Year!!!

  21. What a fun banner! And what a deal on that piano baby and she is so cute. And I love the picture, we just don't have the great finds here!

  22. Hi Twyla
    Love your new banner and all your new treasures especially the beautiful lithograph.
    I see you have snow too. We had more today, 7 inches so far and still falling. We are snowed in!

  23. I love your workspace, Twyla, and it looks like it would be pretty easy to get inspired there! And the afghan is gorgeous. I want to learn to crochet so bad. I watched a YouTube video on it, but I just couldn't get the hang of it. I need someone sitting right there to teach me, I think!
    Have a great day!

  24. Such a lovely post today. I admire what you did with your old drawer. How ingenious! Your "piano baby" was a great find, and now I learned something new too. Your new "Twyla on Tuesday" is so sweet. Have a happy Tuesday.

  25. Morning Twyla,
    The new banner Linsdey made is so YOU!!!
    Love your new treasures, piano baby is sweet, Love your new picture and you have fun ideas with drawers. Your new afghan is pretty.It's fun to see inside your home...little bits and pieces! You have been a busy gal :)
    Today I must get some groceries..
    Have a great day!
    Deb :)

  26. "There is something so hopeful and exciting about starting fresh..."

    And, there's something so exciting and Yum about a header invitation done in cross stitch! Bravo, and simply sweet-as-pie lovely, Lindsey!

  27. Hi Twyla,
    How funny we are collecting the same thing! I couldn't wait to find see your December post especailly after Holly made the same comment!
    Last night I was bidding for the Humpty Dumpty Lefton shakers and I won! They were only $6.00!!! So I have another set to add to my collection. Now my Christmas money is spent.

    The holidays have me a bit behind in reading everyone's post, so I'm spending the day playing catch up.

    Oh I just love your piano baby...what a great find! It would be so much fun to shop together. We would probably get locked in after closing time. hehe

    The afghan is just beautiful too! Such pretty colors. Knitting almost seens like a lot art. You are very talented.


  28. That afghan is lovely - it's no wonder Lindsey claimed it. I love the look of your work space - I SO want to create a space of my own, too! And your lithograph is beautiful- so happy for you that you found it!

  29. The ripple afghan is so pretty. I love your choice of colors.

  30. Hi Twyla...love the banner that is awesome...and oh my what sweet treasures you have found...love your
    desk area...and your afghan looks so
    soft and sweet..
    Sweet Blessings...

  31. Twyla, Loved the Piano baby and the picture. I too scored some cool finds after Christmas at the antique mall. My treasures are of the sewing and crafting variety. Nothing better than a vintage score!

    a librarian in Indiana

  32. Just dropping by to wish you a very Happy New Year, I hope all your dreams come true in 2010 :)
    That piano baby is a terrific find, way to go !

  33. Twyla, What a wonderful peek at your workspace. It is so you - full of sweet kittens and spots of pink! Mrs. Twins has got us all crocheting ripples! I have a dark colored one going for my bedroom. What a fun post today. Long winter months made fun visiting! E

  34. Oh my, these are gorgeous! What finds! Thank you for sharing.

  35. Oh my!! What great new treasures AND a sweet new Banner! You girls are busy busy!!! I do love your baby!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  36. Your afghan is beautiful and the banner is so cute.

  37. Well, your sweet daughter has done it again. Darling new banner for your "day". I love Twyla Tuesday's! Happy New Year! Julie

  38. I really like your idea of using the drawers turned sideways to use as display shelves. And Miss Priss looks right at home there.
    Thank you for your kind words on my blog the other day. We have appreciated everyones thoughts and prayers.

  39. I just love your ripple so much! I'm terrible at commiting to long term projects at the moment but I am so tempted to start an afghan after seeing yours. Happy 2010.

  40. Love your afghan! I would claim it also, lucky girl... Your new treasures are so sweet also. Love the pic of the girls in the snow. Can't seem to get enough snow about now!

  41. Hi Twyla! I read your comment on my iPhone this morning and I've answered you on my blog. You're such a sweetie pie and so dear. Don't be sad, I'm not going anywhere. I just want to spend less time on the computer and create more. Which will be fun, huh?!
    I look forward to when I can catch up on all the goings on over here. (so loving the Barbie and Ken salt and pepper shakers, so much fun!)
    Wishing you the loveliest of weeks!

  42. Hi Sweetie! I love the banner that Lindsey made for you, and your ripple blanket too! As always, your treasures are wonderful. I love coming here, it's always so cheery, and you and Lindsey are such sweethearts! xoxo

  43. Your creative space looks great! And it's such fun to "find" new space, isn't it! How interesting re: Piano Dolls; I had never heard of them before...and you were able to find one! Awesome!

    Crochet! Oh I have loved the times I've made crocheted items and the ripple pattern is so soothing to work on! Sounds like your new year is going really well! Enjoy! Hugs, Coralie

  44. Hi Twyla! Happy 2010! Your new banner is fabulous! Love the afghan you created too. Thanks for your sweet visit! I really appreciate your touching comment! Have a wonderful day! :)


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