Saturday, January 23, 2010

Book of Love

Greetings Friends!

Today I would like to share with you a beautiful little book that I found in an antique store.

When I discovered it and saw the beautiful pages I thought it would be perfect to share with you this
Valentine's day.

The pictures are lithographs and the colors are still so vivid.

To see the pages up close and read the words of love, just click on the pictures.

There was not a copyright date on the book, but I would guess it to be from the late 1800's to early 1900's.

I hope you've enjoyed seeing this little treasure.
May you be blessed with a wonderful weekend!


  1. That is a real treasure such wonderful graphics, thanks for sharing.I am sitting here in my slippers I won from you two while typing this. oxox, Diane

  2. Oh this book is lovely. I saved the photos to see if I can do something with it. Nan

  3. Indeed a real treasure. Oh this is so beautiful, be careful with it.
    I love it so much.
    Nice weekend

  4. Hello Girls
    What a wonderful book you found!
    I love all the pretty pictures!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Ann

  5. Wow! That is a great little find. The attention to detail in the days of old is so wonderful to see. Have a great weekend. Blessings, Tammy

  6. Wow, the colors in that Pink and Green outfit are so vivid! Thanks for showing us, Twyla! ♥

  7. what a wonderfull book. Love the pictures and love te words.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this!! I love this--you found a real treasure!!

  9. What a beautiful little book. It begs the age-old question, "Oh, I wonder, wonder who....who..who wrote the book of love." (Sorry, this sick puppy couldn't resist.) lol
    Have a great day!

  10. I am ever so grateful that you two are over-the-top generous with sharing your graphics. I enjoy looking at each and every one of them!

  11. BEAUTIFUL. Absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful Book of Love.
    You have such lovely things...

    I can't wait to start my Valentine's next week.

  12. What a fabulous find! I just love this beautiful book and I'm so glad you shared it today! Those old illustrations are priceless!
    Happy PINK Saturday!

  13. What a treasure! I have to magnify every photo to carefully study it. A true beauty! Thanks for sharing girls have a great weekend!

  14. oh my gosh, that is so beautiful Twyla! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
    Happy weekend!

  15. I love your letter vintage book. Perfect of Valentine's Day. thanks for sharing.

  16. What a beautiful old book! Thanks for sharing with us!

  17. Twyla, I think you should have been a Victorian. In my mind you are a very elegant person. Please tell Lindsey there are two pink birds headed her way for Valentine's Day! She was very enthusiastic in her comment about them (she is just too cute!) I absolutely love your multi-colored mushrooms. Thanks as well for the beautiful Valentine's. I think we all have enough for hundreds of days of crafting! Elizabeth

  18. Oh what a sweet little book...beautiful pictures in it..
    don't you just love it when you find
    sweet treasures like this...
    Have a great day...
    Sweet Blessings...

  19. Wow...what a wonderful find...I would have so bought this myself!!
    Love the graphics. Thanks for sharing!

  20. What a beautiful book!! It looks in great shape, too!! Have a great day~

  21. Twyla... thanks so much for sharing you sweet vintage book.. the perfect valentine gift!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  22. What a great book. Don't you wonder about its history? It was probably a wonderful present from a loved one to a very special person. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting our Blog. Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. What a great book. Thanks for visiting my blog. So glad to meet you as well and I can't wait to peruse your blog. It looks like a place I am going to enjoy! Kim

  24. What a darling book..I love finding teasures like that. Hope your weekend is being filled with lots of joy!

  25. This book is precious.....a shop near me (Coffee Trade Antiques) has several similar ones.....they are very special.....great post...Dianne

  26. What a treasure! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  27. Very nice. Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a wonderful Sunday. Winona

  28. This was definitely a great find. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  29. I only have a few of those beautiful antique books, and I love them. I don't believe any of mine have dates in them, either. But I have never seen one like yours. Thank you SO much for sharing it, it is really lovely.

  30. Oh what a really great find. The book is just awesome. You find so many neat things. You Take Care.

  31. My stars Twyla, I see it and I want it :) what a pretty lil treasure..Thank you for sharing it :) Besos, Rose


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