Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lindsey's Exciting Anouncement!

I have been accepted to be on a design team!!!!!! It has been my dream for a few years now to be on a design team for a site or company and I am going to be on a great team!!!!

Denim and Daisies

The site where you can visit is Denim and Daisies. It is a monthly kit club! Every month she will create two kits for sell on her site. This is where myself and the rest of the talented team come in. We show you what you can create with her fabulous kits!!!!! She will also have an online shop to buy other goodies to fill your crafty/scrapbooking needs!!!!!

Denim and Daisies

Keep your eyes on this wonderful new site! I will be posting my layouts, cards and projects with her beautiful kits on both this blog and my other blog, Lindsey's Paper Scraps.

Denim and Daisies

I can not begin to describe my excitement to be on this team! The creator of this site is a sweet lady and I am happy to have found her!
My friend Katrina that I met at the scrapbook store told me about Denim and Daisies as she is also going to be a member!

I can't wait to share with you my layouts and cards made using her awesome kits!
My title as a creative design team member will be a Wildflower! Isn't that cute?!

You can sign up to be on the newsletter at!

Thank you for stopping by today, Lindsey


  1. Congrats, Lindsey. I'm so happy for you.

  2. That's great news Lindsey, congratulations. I'm sure you will find it both challenging and fun.

  3. Hey there little wildflower! ☺ Once again, congratulations! I can't wait to see what you put together! I already signed up for the newsletter. ♥

  4. Couldn't happen to a nicer person!

  5. Lindsey's creative juices: LET THE RIVER RUN! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Such dream-come-true news! I wish for you nothing but the best!

  6. Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello! I appreciate you thinking of me! :)

    ((Hugs)) to both of you and Congrats to Lindsey! :)

    ~TattingChic ♥

  7. That's great news Lindsey. I look forward to seeing your creations.

  8. Congrats Lindsey! Sounds like fun!

  9. Congratulations, Lindsey! That is wonderful news.

  10. Congrats Lindsey! It will be another great showcase for your talents!

  11. Congratulations Lindsey!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see all of your new creations!

    Yay Lindsey!!


  12. Congratulations. That sounds so exciting. Have fun, and we all look forward to seeing your wonderful creations.

  13. Congratulations! What a sweet blog you two have. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment!

  14. How exciting! I'm so happy for Lindsey! Way to go!

  15. You go girl, that's an amazing invite and honor for you. We all knew you could do it...Yippeee...Cheers from the gnomes, Barbies, elves and dwarfs and ME! God always makes a way!

  16. Wow, congratulations!! That is exciting news!!!

  17. Congratulations on your new endeavor! You are a very talented paper crafter.

    Best Wishes,

  18. Congratulations on your new endeavor! You are a very talented paper crafter.

    Best Wishes,

  19. What wonderful news, I can tell how excited you are - it was meant to be, and I will definitely check out the site!

  20. Congratulations Lindsey,
    What great news , I am happy for you.
    I will sign up for the newsletter now.8-)
    Happy Fall,

  21. Many congratulations! Dreams DO come true! I predict big things for you, Lindsey!
    Blessings, Sarita

  22. Congratulations Lindsey, I can tell this means so much to you :)

  23. Congratulations Lindsey! You must be up on cloud nine with excitement! I'm very much looking forward to seeing your work.

  24. warmest congrats to you! very exciting and fun!


  25. Congratulations, Lindsey! That is so fabulously exciting! I can only imagine how thrilled you were to learn that you had been chosen to be on the design team! I'm sooooooooo excited for you! Good luck and have great fun with every single project!

  26. that's fantastic, Lindsey! I'll definitely be watching for your kits and visiting the site too! Congratulations! Suzie

  27. It was meant to be!!!!! Beyond happy for you! Please tell your mom I will send her the paper kit to make her own garland if she would like. E

  28. Congrats to you that sounds fun.Im a new follwer I just stopped by to thank you and your mom for commenting on my blog about my dog problem today .It was very nice of you guys and to take time out for a nice warm comment.Much appreciated,Becky

  29. That was follower, I always have to tell new people I am aware of spelling mistake,LOL.The older followers know this hahah.

  30. Great fun and congratulations. I can't wait to see all the new creations.
    Enjoy your day,

  31. Hey Wildflower! That's such wonderful news!!! I'm so happy for you sweetheart. You are such a talent, and you would be a shining star on any design team!!! Sending a big creative hug, Paulette =D GO LINDSEY!!!! yay!!!!!!

  32. hello! i'm finally getting back to you re: the pattern on my little saucer.

    royal albert: fragrance

    hope that helps!


  33. How exciting!! Thanks for stopping by for a visit and I just wanted to let you know that Kmart just started carrying the Country Living line, I didn't even think about it and just got lucky the day I went in there, I was looking for Martha Stewart curtains but they don't have her line anymore only some on clearance, have a great day!

  34. Congratulations Lindsey! What a wonderful opportunity, and how smart they were to add you to their team!


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