Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sweet Vintage Goodness

Hello Friends,

It's almost time for the weekend. Yeah!!
Today I wanted to share with you some of my recent flea market finds.

Can you believe I have found something else I must collect?! These cute vintage Child's suitcases! They are so sweet! I love them! I have been admiring this one for awhile at a local antique store and when we went there the other day, the booth was having a 40% off sale, so I grabbed it!!!

I love the star pattern on the inside!

Yesterday I was lucky enough to run across this one! So I just have to find one more to officially have a collection!

I have also recently discovered another new love! Irmi!!!! Irmi is a company which created beautiful wooden nursery items in the 50's and 60's. So far, I have two switch plate covers but Irmi is most well known for there wooden lamps.

I discovered these on Elizabeth's blog, Creative Breathing. She creates beautiful pincushions with these wooden figures on top. She sent one to my Mom and I admired her's so much that when I discovered my first switch plate cover I knew I was hooked! I hope to have a large collection of these some day! You should visit Elizabeth's blog to see her beautiful collection!

Our local antique shops and flea markets are starting to bring out there fall merchandise. I found this sweet little planter to start my fall decorating with!

I know Mom is usually the one to collect vintage baby planters but I saw this one and declared it mine!! I love this sweet little dog with his big pink bow!

Last year for my Birthday my Brother gave me these cute little gold framed pictures featuring Victorian ceramic images. When I took them to my room I discovered they matched the images on my dresser drawer pulls! How cool is that?! Then last weekend we were at a flea market and I spotted this big picture! It matches perfectly! My sweet Brother was with me at the time and bought it for me to go with my collection!

Thank you for looking at my new goodies!
I hope you have a grand weekend, Lindsey


  1. I just love your children's suit case's. They are super sweet. I can't remember ever seeing any like that before...what a great find!

  2. Love that little punkin' planter...too cute!

  3. These are wonderful amazing finds! I've never seen anything like that child's's fantastic! Collecting is just sooooooooo much fun!!!


    ~ Faint! ~ Faint! ~ Faint! ~

  5. I'm with Holly on this one - swoon city!!!!

    I have never seen cases like those - ever - are they American? Wow - great storage idea - hell - actually I wouldn't mind swanning through LAX with that! Might get a few weird looks though.


  6. Adorable! I love the suitcase you found. Pretty colors and graphics.

  7. Once again you have found such cute treasures!! I especially like the charming Irmi items!! Have a nice weekend.

  8. Hi Sweetie! I loved your post! I loved those adorable suitcases that I never even knew existed, and those little switch plates are THE CUTEST!!! You have such a sweet brother, that set is so pretty! "Hi" to Mom! Hugs, Paulette :o)

  9. You guys find the most unique things! How cute! That doggie planter is my favorite :)

  10. Hi Lindsey,
    That is a darling child's suit case! I hope you find a couple more for your new collection.
    You have the nicest brother :)
    Cute pumpkin planter.
    Have a great weekend.
    Deb :)

  11. Those little suitcases are really bears would look cute sitting in them.

  12. My heart just leaps every time I open your blog and I see your comments on mine. I love EVERYTHING you seem to love. I can hardly stand it!!! And your puppy dogs are so adorable also. What great treasures you have found my dear and you didn't even need to go under the sea to find them. Smiling, thinking of the blessings of knowing you.

  13. I have always loved those little childrens cases and the Irmi lamps have been a favorite for a very long time. I don't have any at this time but,have had one or two in the past. They are just so very sweet....
    Have a blessed weekend dear.....

  14. Why are vintage things so much prettier than what they make now?

    /scratches head :)


  15. This brings back memories for me. I used to have a child's suitcase; it was gray and had my name in pin writing on it. I used it every time I spent the night with my grandmother. Sadly, it disappeared years ago. I wish I still had it!

  16. Pea green with envy over here. Look at all those great goodies. I especially love those switch plates!

  17. I love these sweet little vintage suitcases. I have never seen them before. I adore the little bunnies on the boat, adorable!

  18. I LOVE those children's suitcases. The pictures are so lovely and sweet. What fun to carry one of those around with toys inside! Maybe~dolls, doll clothes and special fake jewlery. Oh, dear...I am getting carried away. Have a fun weekend. Dogwood

  19. Oh Lindsey, your taste is SO right up my alley! That children's suitcase is cute as cupcakes. And the stars inside ... how cool is THAT?! The doggie planter is one sweet treat, and those Victorian floral motifs in the oval (LOVE OVAL) frames ... just perfect.

    Your room must be the sweetest spot in the neighborhood, I just can't imagine.

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. Hi again - just reading some older posts.

    I actually saw Twiggy in person once. She was a real air head back then, but it was cool to see her.

  21. Lindsey! I have never heard of childrens' suitcases. Thank you for sharing. When I pick up making my pincushions again, I will make one for you! There is a "peek" under my post, "Poorbaby Paydays." I wanted to especially thank you for your wonderful Barbie block - I actually squealed when I spied it through the tissue paper! Your mom's is so so perfectly her - elegant in every way. They say the best is always last, and both of yours certainly are! Elizabeth

  22. I love all of your darling finds! Where do you keep all of the sweet goodies you bring home? I would run out of room in no time, I'm sure. :)

  23. Hi Twyla
    I love the suitcase. I hope you find some more soon for your lovely new collection. The pictures your brother bought you are gorgeous and the pumpkin planter is so sweet.

  24. Oh these things are all so darling I love coming here and seeing all you post.

  25. What fun treasures you found! I am especially loving those pictures your brother found for you. I have a small ceramic one similar to these too! I hope you have a great night!
    Big Hugs,

  26. I love the switch plates and want to start looking for some of this collection, too. I love everything you found! Children's collectibles are my favorites!

  27. I love your collections, Lindsey. The inside of your little suitcase with the stars is the same as my little case I have had since I was little. Little silver stars- love it! I haven't been lucky enough to find any Irmi items yet- some day, I hope! I always enjoy seeing the fabulous things found and collected by yourself and your mom.


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