Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hello Everyone!

From time to time I get asked to do a tag. I usually procrastinate and put it off until I forget about it. I would like to take this time to do a tag post about myself telling 6 random things about me.

To break up the subjects, I will show you some of the postcards in my collection. I love old postcards and keep them in a photo album. I love the backs almost as much as the fronts because I love to read what the people wrote to each other back then. I know that unused ones are more valuable, but I like the used ones best! Okay, so now that I've told you that, I'll make this number one!

Number two - I am uncomfortable talking about myself. I always try to get the other person to talk about themselves. It's not that I have anything to hide - I don't think.

Number three - My new favorite food is the McDonald's angus burger! Honestly, I didn't know burgers could taste this good. I alternate between the Deluxe and the Bacon cheese. I know it's naughty, but we are enjoying them! Add an Iced Mocha to it and you have one delicious meal!

Number four - I know this may come as quite a shock to many of you in the craft world, but I don't like glitter. I say this almost shamefully. It's not that I don't like the look of it and the pretty sparkle, it's just that I don't like getting it on myself! You can't hardly get it off and it gets everywhere. When Lindsey was little I wouldn't let her use it because she would make such a mess with it. She is making up for lost time now.

Number five - I'm deathly afraid of heights. It is an irrational fear. I can't go up staircases if they are very steep and I have to have rails. I hate driving across bridges. I have to look straight ahead and hug the center line.

Number six - I love the food network. That is about the only channel I have on when I am in control of the tv. I love so many of the hosts but my favorite is Guy Fieri.

Now, if you are still with me, I'd like to show you where we went Sunday! Our daycation took us to Joplin, MO.

The most awesome antique store we've ever seen! We couldn't believe all the antiques that were here, but we looked the back of the store and look what was sitting back there!

A room filled with Steiff animals and vintage toys! All arranged so beautifully. We could hardly believe our eyes.

We took these pictures so that we could share them with all of our blogging friends.

We can hardly wait to go back to this magical place!

We are looking so forward to Saturday's Wizard of Oz Gala! I can't wait to see how each of the participants are going to celebrate the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. If you are participating, thank you so much! If you are coming by to look at the Oz posts, I hope you have a magical time!

Wishing you all much happiness! Twyla


  1. Hi Twyla,
    Thanks for visiting my blog, I enjoyed looking at yours too! What a great idea to have a mom/daughter blog. Looks like we share a love for vintage paper items, I love old books, old postcards, old photos, you name it...I'm going to add you to my blog so I can see your treasures as you post them...thanks for chatting :-) Lisa

  2. I'm a nightmare with tags... I have a few drafted but never seem to complete them!

    That store looks magical!

    See you on Saturday in Oz!

    Victoria xx

  3. Hi Twyla,
    Your dislike of glitter mess can be solved! Just use glass glitter, and it does not stick to you at all. The regular ole synthetic glitter can stick to your skin after showers and showers but the glass stuff just drops off and is very neat to work with :)
    Looking forward to the Wizard of Oz party!

  4. Oh my...Hubby would have had to drag me out of that doll room!!!

    I'm familiar with Joplin MO...have you heard of Paducah KY?? I grew up and used to live south of there.

    Hope you have a bright and happy day!☼

  5. How magical! What a lovely daycation :)
    I wished we lived near each other, too :) We would have sooo much fun antiquing.

    ... and guess what? I don't like glitter either! (gasp!) People are often shocked that I am anti-stickle... The only time I use them is sometimes, a bit of the clearish kind, on snowflakes for winter projects... But even then I feel funny :(

  6. I am enchanted with your "tags". Your vintage whimsical postcards are treasures. And then, there was your finding of the Steiff store. Oh, my. Elizabeth is going to yelp when she reads about it. As a child, she had a huge stuffed animal collection, and Steiff was a big part of it.Who would have thought what we loved in the 50's would still be around and popular today?

  7. Morning Twyla,
    What a fun post...sure am glad that you are walking to my house!!! I bet there are a FEW birdges to cross over !!
    Awesome store! Looks like you could spend hours there and lots of $$$
    Have a great day...
    Deb :)

  8. Those postcards are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing them. It's so fun to find "kindred spirits" here in blogland! I remember wanting to purchase some vintage postcards and the person I was with thought I was totally nuts, LOL! "What are you going to do with them?", this person said, LOL! They weren't nice about it. I come to blogland and I meet other people who collect things like that, too! It's wonderful. I actually don't have a collection of them, but I do admire them whenever I see them! :)

  9. Hi Twyla! That was a fun post. I'm just terrible with tags too mostly because I don't like to pick other people. I did enjoy reading yours though. Cracks me up about the glitter! Does Lindsey clean it all up? It's almost impossible.

    Hope you have a great day.

  10. Hi Twyla! I'm so happy to have "rediscovered" yours and Lindsey's blog! I used to read it faithfully several months ago, but then I started my own blog, and found new blogs every day, and ended up neglecting my favorites! I'm glad I can Follow you now, so I won't miss a single thing!
    Have a great day!
    P.S. We have #2 and #5 in common!

  11. Thanks for sharing some information about yourself. I enjoyed reading that part. I, too, was deathly afraid of heights. After much work, now I'm only sorta sickly afraid of heights. I still won't sit at a window table in a skyscraper restaurant. Big diff, right? lol

    Also, like you, I love the Steiff room in the shop you visited. If I'd gone along, I probably still be sitting in there!

    Thanks for visiting me from time to time. I read every one of your comments and they always make me smile!


  12. Ohmygosh! We have more in common than we even knew! Glitter that sticks to my fingers drives me crazy! I'm terrified of heights and avoid tall bridges at all costs. I've been curious about that Angus Burger and now I'm tempted! I love vintage papers, postcards, anything OZ and just about anything else vintage! I think you are my kindred spirit!

  13. Oh! I forgot that it's Tuesday! I never know what day it is anymore! ☺

    Okay- #2 - Talking about myself-I've met so many new people since I've moved a lot and I hate it when I get rapid fire questions about myself! I've learned to stop hyperventalating, turn the tables and ask THEM questions!

    #4 Glitter- I never let my boys do glitter and I don't do it either- for the same reasons! Guess we'll have to try that GGG! ☺

    #5 Heights- Same here! I don't think it's nesesarily 'fear" with me but it messes up my vision! Have you ever gone over a foot bridge- over water? Ha! I can't look down at all or my vision goes all crazy! Same with driving over a bridge. I can't let my vision go to the side and i have to grip the steering wheel! Weird.

    Wow, what a great shop you went too! If only cities could have great shops but no traffic! Maybe I'd move closer!

    Have a great day, Twyla! ♥

  14. Thank you for doing the "Six Things" deely bopper. I hedged about whether to tag you or not because, deep down in my socks, I had the feeling this wasn't going to be your kind of angle you're partial to pointing into. (Did that last part even make sense?) Thank you for the appease. Whenever I get tagged, I get sort of chain letter-SPOOKED! I hate it! Like if I don't follow through, some sort of mean, MEAN Bunny Foo Foo is going to bop me on the head.

    Wait! I see some perks rising up from all of this! We got to learn some wonderfuls (Well, maybe not so wonderful, the height thing, 'cause that is scary for you.) about you and the antique postcards are simply lovely! Thank you for sharing!

    Hmm. Probably shouldn't have referred to the meme as a deely bopper as it literally is a pair of GLITTER balls on two long springs on a headband. Knowing now that glitter isn't one of your favorite things, does this put me in the virtual doghouse. LOL!

    Gotta get cracking on that Oz blog! SF~~~~~*

  15. Your postcards are wonderful and I enjoyed learning some more about you! We have a lot in common! The store is just amazing! I'll put it on my list of places I would like to visit! WOW!

  16. I enjoyed getting to know some of your secrets :-)
    Loved the vintage postcards too. I'm with you on reading them. They had such pretty penmanship back then.
    I'm just wondering if you have any room in your car for me on your next daycation?? That antique store looks fabulous.

  17. I enjoyed learning a bit more about you! I only purchase vintage postcards that have writing on the back, too. Have a lovely day!

  18. Wow, what a shop that was! Thanks for sharing the photos.

    I love every single one of the postcards you shared. Egads, it's almost like they could've come right out of my own collection (which is teeny, as in I foolishly parted with most of them years go). I have more antique photos than postcards, but these make me salivate for some new acquisitions. Shopping, anybody?! :)

  19. Hi Twyla. I loved those postcards, they are gorgeous. I like the ones with writing on the back, too, and always look for those in antique stores and flea markets, especially ones with postage from the early 1900's. It was fun reading six things about you. I have trouble driving across bridges, too. It just started happening a few years ago, not sure why. Thanks for the fun post.

  20. Twyla, enjoyed your post and postcards and yes, the Steiff animals in the store. I still have 2 of mine in very good condition - love them
    Looking forward to Sat.

  21. I read through your blog and it was all just magical and fun to see but I got stuck on the part about reading the backs of postcards...I do the same thing...it's heart warming...everything from travel stories, congrats on the baby, were moving, happy holidays to romance..ooo..la..la. Your so fun! I have a daughter too what a fun idea for a blog!

  22. How do I join the Wizard of Oz party...I'm so new to blog land, I've never joined a party before...HELP PLEASE! None of the gnomes know either...can they come?

  23. That looks like a fabulous store...I'd love to visit it one day. And the elephant is so cute (and it's even better since I love elephants!)

    Can't wait for Saturday!

    Take care.

  24. I love all these old cards and the shop even more so...SIGH!!

  25. Twyla, It amazes me how similar we are! I could have written the exact same 6 things about myself! A "daycation" what a fabulous idea! Being that my husband has taken me on the EXACT same facation for 35 years, this is now what I will call my little tours. There you go, you've inspired me to to look at life positively! The elephant with his tickets - over the top cute! Thanks for bringing us along! E

  26. Oh my goodness I was just in this awesome room at that flea market in May. I live in Idaho, but was visiting family that lives in nearby in Neosho. In fact my folks had a booth at that very same flea market, but just removed it in June due to health issues. I so wanted to take pictures of this room, but there was a persnickety old woman sitting behind the counter. LOL! I don't see the big Stieff donkey and goat pulling a cart that was there in May. I wonder if they sold them. The donkey alone was $3000.00! Wasn't it the best grown up toy store! Hope you found some treasures there. What a fun, fun post! Thanks!

    Cathy ♥

    PS--have you been to Connies in Joplin. Another great store, but I didn't get there this last trip.

  27. Thanks for sharing some new things about you.....we both LOVE the food network, although Ina is my favorite, Guy is a funny dude! I am not afraids of heights, but HATE spiders....and glitter, i could leave it too most of the time..great antiques store..love spending time exploring places like that.

  28. Twyla, just checking to be sure I understand what to do for the Oz Gala. This is my first time to participate in anything like this.

    Do I just create a new post with my quilts of Oz and descriptions?
    If so, I have started one and have it saved to post. Do I post on Sat or before?
    Sorry to be such a newbie!

  29. What a fun tag...love all those pics too! The antique store looks like such fun...I enjoyed that daycation!

  30. Yes, it is a wonderful place. Being the avid antiquer that I am ...I'd love to see it.

    Wow, I can't believe I missed the oz party sign up. Is it too late? What do you have to do?

  31. Hi Twyla,
    I always love learning more about you. I also love the food network, and I hate hate hate to go over bridges. I also hated to use glitter but I am warming up to it, especially glass glitter : ) I hope you are having a good week.

  32. What a fun list. Its hard to figure out what to share isn't it! that antique store was amazing! I am so looking forward to the gala tomorrow. have my post all ready!


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