Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I had quite a lucky find last week! I found this really cool Barbie sign at a flea market!

It says in the corner that it was made for Wal Mart stores. I love having this to remember her 50th birthday! Of course I love that she's eating a cupcake too!!!

In the same booth I also found this beautiful Barbie! She's called Parisian Barbie. She came out in 1990. I think she is one of the prettiest Barbies I have in my collection now.

I love her face. Her mole right below her eye is such a cute touch and her cameo necklace is too cute!!!!!

The booth where I found these at, had several shelves filled with beautiful Barbies from the eighties and nineties. I hope I can buy more from her booth to add to my collection.

This illustration was on the side of the box.

Wishing you fun, Lindsey


  1. What a pretty Barbie, and I like the sign, too.There are so many pretty ways to celebrate Barbie and I am running out of room to buy more things!
    Blessings, Sarita

  2. Hi Lindsey! I'm liking that parisian Barbie, I like her face and the dress is beautiful... The sign is neat. I like cupcakes too infact, I like anything cake!!! ..LOL! Have a Great Day Ladies!!

  3. Hi, Lindsey! I like the sign! You'll probably be able to find lots of celebration signs now!

    Did I tell you we finally found a flea market? They had lots of Barbie items and I thought of you! ♥

  4. I love the Parisian Barbie, too! She is lovely! The sign is great! I found a Barbie Golden book this week! lol Have FUN today!

  5. I LOVE Parisian Barbie, she's a keeper!

  6. Great finds, as always, Lindsey - I love seeing them!

  7. Great Finds..I love the cupcake too!
    That is a gorgeous Barbie outfit!

  8. the parisian barbie is so pretty! i've never seen that one. my mom still has almost all my old barbies at her house!

  9. Hi Lindsey,
    Love the Barbie in the pink dress, very pretty. And the cupcake sign is cute! I hope you are having a good week.

  10. Hi Lindsey,
    I haven't been by for awhile on Barbie Wednesday. I will get caught up tonight! I love this Barbie, she is so pretty. I was at Walmart the other day and I noticed they had alot of their 50 Anniversary Barbies. I bought 4 different ones along with the 2009 Holiday Barbie. I was happy to see it out so early in the year before the holidays. I have every Holiday Barbie from 1988! I can't wait to get them all out and display them. Hopefully by Christmas!
    Love, Ann

  11. Love the sign and adore the Parisien Barbie. Great additions to your lovely collection.


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