Saturday, May 16, 2009

Romancing the Bowl

Grandma couldn’t remember how many times she’d served mashed potatoes in this bowl. She sat the steaming bowl on the square oak table covered with a old tablecloth. It had a couple of holes and a few stains that she couldn’t get out, but it all just reminded her of the many people who ate around her table.

There was always room around her table. Whether two showed up for Sunday dinner or twelve, she always had plenty of food. She adjusted her apron around her ample waist, the old apron that was her most valuable tool. She reached in the pocket feeling the old crochet potholder that she’d crocheted as a young bride.

Taking it out of her pocket to reach in the oven to pull out a pan of rolls. Her brood always enjoyed the rolls. She was so proud of her son who worked so hard.

The family always crowded around, passing the bowls. It is a wonder her bowls survived all these years. She was a silly old fool for saving almost everything. That’s why the old wood cook stove sat in the corner of the kitchen, no longer in use, but she couldn’t part with this reminder of her younger days.

It was hard to part with the past sometimes and the people that she missed. Hanging on to her possessions was just her way of hanging on to memories.

She sat the heavy platter with the roast down in the center of the table with a thump. What was that, a knock on the door?

I stood in the flea market holding this bowl. Something about it just grabbed my heart. I couldn’t help but wonder how many times some Grandma had served mashed potatoes in this bowl. My mind started wandering about the woman who’d lovingly used it. The wear on the bowl was evident, but you could just feel the love.

Hope you all have a nice weekend! Twyla


  1. Twyla,what a beautiful post.I enjoyed it so much.The bowl is so beautuiful! Hope you have a great weekend! Blessings, Faye

  2. Twyla, I'm so glad that you are the one who found the bowl. :)

  3. What a beautiful delicate bowl. To lovely for words. I hope you have a wonderful new week.

  4. What a beautiful bowl and writing, Twyla! You should write more often! ♥

    I so admire those women who always have enough food to serve... Even with all my years of cooking for 4 growing boys, I never did quite get the hang of it!

  5. Twyla,
    You are one of those genuinely nice people I was referring to and you have one of the most consistent blogs that I read on a regular basis. I am taking lessons! lol Thanks for your support.
    Lisa & ALfie

  6. That is one spectacularly beautiful bowl you've got there, Twyla!

  7. What a sweet story, Twyla. I could just picture the dear grandmother using that bowl so lovingly. It is very pretty and has found the perfect new home.

  8. Hi Twyla! That is a sweet story aboout that bowl. It's lovely, too. What is lovely as well is the fact that your Grandma loved her stained table because it reminded her of all the people who sat around it. That is so sweet, indeed! :)

  9. Hi Twyla,
    I loved this post, so sweet. And the bowl is beautiful and full of charm.

  10. Now that is a beautiful bowl, I have similar bowls that I have inherited from my husband's grandmother, but none that pretty!

  11. What a beautiful bowl! I am lucky enough to have the mixing bowl that my Grandma used to make her amazing rye bread in. It's huge, it's heavy, it ain't pretty, but I treasure it!

  12. such a nice story! i recently broke my box mixing bowl that was my grandma's and it made me very sad!! i just love the bowl you showed:)

    yes, i hope adam wins this week!! i have grown very fond of kris now too!! lol


  13. Twyla,
    This is a beautiful bowl, and a beautiful post! I hope you had a good weekend.

  14. How sweet. You're such a romantic! Me too. Have a lovely Monday.

  15. Pretty bowl and great photos of it! I thought that was a story about your Grandma...was it?! What kind of camera do you have? I'm in the market for one.
    Deb :)


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