Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I thought I would show you one of our towns biggest tourist attractions, Bass Pro. Now, this is not Lindsey and my usual destination, but every now and then, it is an interesting place to go.

All of the hunting, fishing and camping items are pretty much lost on us, but there are a few things that catch my eye such as this charming old stove.

There are indoor waterfalls and aquariums. It is truly an outdoor world.

This was the primary reason that I was interested in stopping here. I love my cast iron skillet and I wanted to see all the different styles they have here.

I was in the market for a cornbread pan and was pleasantly surprised that their Lodge brand one was only $12.50 which comes already seasoned and ready to cook in. The pan on the right in the picture below is a drop biscuit pan. I'd like to have that too, but I guess it wouldn't make much difference with canned biscuits.

This is an enormous building with all kinds of sights to see. The man in the picture below is not real. There are a lot of man-made rocks, streams and stuffed animals, (not the cuddly kind). If you get to Springfield, MO you must stop and see this store. People from all over the world come to visit.

This weekend I found this sweet little framed print. I was so pleased because I collect these. I especially loved the old blue frame.

A couple of weeks ago, I had an email from someone I didn't know. The subject of the email said 'I love your blog', so I opened it and read the sweetest letter from one of our readers. She said that she had gone back all through our archives and proceeded to answer some questions that we'd asked a year ago! We have been emailing back and forth and struck up a friendship. We received a package from her this week and these very sweet vintage crocheted potholders were inside. From reading our blog, she knew how much I would treasure them. I love them, Thank You so much!

The greatest thing about starting this blog has been meeting all the friends that we now have that I cannot imagine life without now.
This has enriched our lives so much. I enjoy reading your blogs everyday and like to keep in touch with you.
I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to comment.
Wishing you much happiness! Twyla


  1. Hi Twyla... I've been in one of those Bass Pro stores before, and it was pretty amazing. Love the old stove you showed... my husband cooks alot with cast iron - he loves it! Your lil framed print is so pretty with its soft pastel colors... a nice find! Such a heartwarming story about your new blogging friend and the Vintage potholders you got... Blogland is such a terrific place to meet some lovely folks... Hope you're doing well and have a great day...
    God bless...

    ~hugs 'n prayers~

    April ~ AUTISM Awareness Month~

  2. beautiful blog
    liked yours very much
    carry on
    best wishes


  4. Your potholders are so sweet. What a nice blog friend you've met. I agree with you whole heartedly about the benefits of blogging.

    We have a Bass Pro Shop now too. I make it there about once a year. My hubby loves it though.

  5. Happy Tuesday, Twyla! Watermelon pot holders! Now that gets me in the mood for Summer! Lord, please bless the giver!

    Your bass Pro Shop reminds me of our Cabelas that we went to in SD. My guys loved that store! They would drop me off at Walmart and they would go over to Cabelas and have some good guy time. I would go occasionally, too.

    I used cast iron a lot as a young(er) bride but it finally occurred to me that it was hurting my wrists- too heavy. That's too bad because I love corn bread baked in cast iron! That's another reason I gave up cross stitch- because of my silly wrists.

    Have a great day, sweet Twyla! ♥

  6. Lovely post Twyla, thanks for sharing one of the interesting stores in your part of the world, we don't have stores like that, maybe Sports Authority, but that place is COOL! Love the cast iron pans...do you have a good cornbread recipe to share?

  7. Twyla, On my travel back home from MI I noticed the Bass Pro Shop to the side of the highway! I have a feeling the IKEA store I got to visit was probabably the same size. I was exhausted trying to see everything! You are right about lovely friends met through our blogs. I am going to repost my mushrooms that you made me because they fit perfectly in my new blog format. Have a great week! E

  8. I love the potholders. I just recently started collecting them. They are always more special when we receive them as gifts.

  9. We have a Bass Pro Shop here which I have been in a few times. I thought it was big, but yours looks huge. I can imagine that hunters and fishers would be in heaven in that place :-)

    Love that sweet print in the pretty blue frame.

    Also, the vintage potholders are so cute and such a lovely story of how you received them. It speaks volumes about the kind and sweet lady that you are and how fond we all are of you!!

    BTW, I just love to see how excited Lindsey is over her new job. That is so refreshing and you have good reason to be very proud of her.

  10. Hi Twyla ~ I love our Bass Pro store, but then again, Glenn and I love anything that has to do with fishing and hunting! I have a cast iron skillet and have never used it. I don't know how to season it...but I guess I'll have to go online to find out!

    I agree with your new blogging friend...I love your blog and love visiting you and Lindsey to see what you're up to!


  11. Afternoon Twyla,

    When I come visit you, you can take me there:)

    The little print is so sweet and we both know how nice our blogland friends are :) Little blessings.

    How's hubby?? I hope you are having a good day...
    Deb :)

  12. Hi Twyla,
    My Mom always made cornbread in a cast iron skillet when I lived at home. I would fill a big glass with broken up cornbrea and then pour milk over the top and eat it with a spoon, YUMMY! I hate milk but liked it that way for some reason. I am trying to catch up on blogging, I hope you are having a good week.
    Big hugs,

  13. Hi, girls! You know, we have a Cabela's and a Bass Pro Shop,and I have never been to either. I didn't think I would like them, but you may have changed my mind. I love the blue picture and the poem on it.You brought back good memories. Mama cooked cornbread in a skillet on the top of the stove and it was SO good! Glad you like your potholders.I love your blog!
    Blessings, Sarita

  14. THat "Bass Pro" place looks really cool! Love that old stove and the drop biscuit pan! I have a cast iron Abelskiver pan, but I haven't used it in a while.

    Those potholders are so sweet! What a thoughtful gift from a new friend! Don't ya just love blog~land!?! It's such a wonderful place! :)


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