Thursday, December 12, 2013

Vintage Christmas Cottage Card

Hello friends!
What's better than sweet little snow covered cottages decorated for Christmas?
I love this card! Enjoy!
Wishing you a merry day, Lindsey

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  1. Love this card:) Have a blessed day dear Lindsey, tell your Mom HI from Ganky:) HUGS!

  2. I'm stealing a few minutes this morning to catch up on some blog reading. You 2 have been busy I see. Congratulations Lindsey on your new design team selection and your December daily album is so sweet! Every year I say "this year" but it hasn't happened yet :(
    Thanks for providing this sugar kissed break from the pre-Christmas rush!

  3. Oh how cute and cozy! I hope they don't have to get out and go to the store like I do! ♥


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