Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Planters!

Hello friends!
This past weekend I found a couple
of new pieces of pottery to add to my
collection.  I thought you might like
to see them!
I just love these pastel planters!
I actually have the tulip planter in a
pretty blue and the one with the bow,
I have one in aqua.
They are addictive!
I just couldn't pass up these
in such pretty colors and they
were both inexpensive!

"Every word of God is pure;
He is a shield to those who put their
trust in Him." - Proverbs 30:5
Have a beautiful day!

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  1. So pretty. :-) I especially love the blue planter. (We really do like a lot of the same things.)

  2. Love your new planters:) Have a blessed day dear Twyla, HUGS!

  3. What a fun find! I have a hard time passing those planters by. In fact as I was looking at your tulip I thought it looked familiar. Then it dawned on me, I have it in blue too :)

  4. How pretty! They remind me of the ones my mother always had on her what-not shelves. I don't think she ever actually used them for plants.

  5. Fun and pretty finds! :) Have a great day! xo Holly

  6. I am finding myself loving these planters too. Yours are so the colors. Thank you sweet friend for all your encouragement and prayers...what a blessing to me.

  7. Beauties! And what are the chances that I got that exact same little pink vase this past weekend too! Funny!


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