Saturday, June 22, 2013

Insired Sunday

Hello everyone!
It's been awhile since I posted.
Lindsey has been very sick, but is starting
to feel much better now.
I am happy to join Inspired Sunday again this week.
Be sure to check out the other beautiful churches
featured there!

With it's unusual shape and interesting steeple, I
couldn't help but stop and snap a picture of
this beautiful church. 
It is located in northern Missouri.

"I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have
my being." - Psalm 104:33
Have a wonderful Sunday!

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  1. I like this one. The spires and arched windows, a nice looking church.

  2. So sorry to hear Lindsey has been ill!

  3. Definitely a unique design and it seems very large.

  4. Love the shaped of the windows...nice shot1

  5. Twyla,
    I am sorry to hear that Lindsey has been sick. Glad to hear that she is now feeling much better.
    The church shot is so pretty with the blue sky backdrop.
    Hugs to Lindsey and you too.

  6. very unique & loving the small shape or size. great find. ( :

  7. So good to hear she is on the mend.
    The church is beautiful !!

  8. Very unusual! Love the spire.

  9. A distinctive church with a notable roof line. Excellent church to find and shoot.

  10. What a beautiful church. I got my package....thank you so very much Twyla...sure made my day. You are a blessing indeed! I needed those house shoes...wore my last pair plum out :)
    Blessings...blessings dear friend

  11. That is one unique church! Thanks for sharing it in InSPIREd Sunday!

    Glad to hear Lindsey is feeling better.

  12. Lovely picture! So sorry to hear that Lindsey has been ill. Glad she is on the mend and wishing God's blessings to both of you!

  13. I love old churches! We photographed a couple on our recent trip to the Finger Lakes. One had an incredibly high, narrow spire!

  14. I love reading your posts. The churches are just perfect each & every one of them!!

    I love the Bible verses too!!

    Happy 4th,


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