Monday, June 10, 2013

Barn Charm

I have one more barn from Missouri Town 1855
to show you.  I loved this unusual barn!
We were lucky the day we were there to see
the newborn lambs.  They were so sweet.
This is another old house that was rebuilt on this site.
I started to crop this picture but then noticed how
awesome the shade of the tree was so decided to
leave it in:)
Thanks so much for coming along with me to this
truely unique park.  I've enjoyed sharing it with you!
Please visit Barn Charm for more great barns!
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." - Psalm 91:1
Have a wonderful day!

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  1. Awesome barn! I love the huge openings all the way through.
    The lambs are adorable. Looks like a wonderful place to visit. :>)

  2. That is really an unusual barn, and you were so fortunate to be there to see the new lambs. Beautiful place!

  3. Love the drive throughs in the barn and the lambs always bring a smile to my face.

  4. Beautiful barn:) It would be a great place for a photo shoot! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. I guess the drive through was so the wagon could get out of the rain. It's rained so much here lately I have raining on the brain!!

  6. That looks so wonderful. I just love old barns and farms. Those little lambs are so very cute.
    Thank you so much for coming by my blog ; )
    Have a great day.

  7. I love those big doors on that barn. And the lambs are too cute!

  8. What an unusual barn. I love the roof...and those lambs are just so adorable! xo

  9. oh, wow ... you could drive right through that little barn. that is super neat. look at the babies ... so cute.

    have a great day!! ( :

  10. It's a drive-thru barn! hehehe
    love it & the home, too. baby lambs are precious, they're just so sweet... my parents have several at their farm.
    i think the house pic is great, no cropping needed. =)
    thanks for joining =)

  11. Gorgeous! So great that you were able to see the babies:)


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