Thursday, June 6, 2013

A New Crochet Project

Hi friends!
I am working on another project!
A few happy granny squares that
make me smile! 
I'll be showing you more of how
it's going in the coming days.
Until then, I am watching the stacks get
taller and taller!

"that you also aspire to lead a quiet
life, to mind your own business, and
to work with your own hands . . . "
I Thessalonians 4:11
Wishing you much happiness!

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  1. So pretty:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. They look so cute! ♥

  3. Oh - I love granny squares! I did a granny square blanket recently, but used larger squares - I'm kind of wishing I did smaller ones like yours. I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  4. So pretty and sweet!! Happy weekend! xo Heather

  5. These are happy, Twyla! Looking forward to seeing your finished project:)

  6. Beautiful squares, Twyla! I can't wait to see what your finished project looks like. I'm sure it will be cherished.

    Happy Sunday, sweet friend.

  7. There is just something about these little granny squares. I love looking at them, making them, thinking about them! Haha! I know this project will be lovely, and as always, thanks for t his perfect Word from the Lord.

  8. This is going to be beautiful! I love all your adorable little happy squares. I can't wait to see this finished, Twyla!!! xoxo


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