Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19

As I get ready for bed this evening, the thunder
is rumbling outside and we are under a tornado
watch.  My thoughts and prayers go out to all
those struck by the devastating tornadoes.
Today was a beautiful day and although I am
far from a great photographer, the flowers were
so pretty that the pictures can't help but be good!
This is a most unusual variety of peony.  I
loved it!
"God will enlighten my darkness" - Psalm 18:2
Love, Twyla

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  1. Those big bad storms have been moving through here off and on all through the day. Stay safe Twyla!

  2. Hope all was well through the storms, Twyla!

    It's been so fun seeing you post so often.

    Well, what a pretty Peony! I'v enever seen one like that. I want some peonies here. That and many, many other kinds of flowers! But first I want a privacy fence. Wish I could find one of those at a garage sale! ♥

  3. Beautiful!! Glad you are doing well with the bad weather. Have a blessed week! xo Heather

  4. What a gorgeous peony.
    Do stay safe as storms move into your area.
    We have more coming in as well here.

  5. What a beautyful flower!
    I would be also very much afraid when I saw a tornado. My thoughts are with all of you!
    Hugs Ester

  6. What a big beautiful bloom! We are getting some rain right now and we really need it. I hope they storms are not bad today. Sweet hugs!


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