Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 11

Good Morning!
It's a beautiful spring morning!

One thing that you might not know about me is that I
am a covered bridge fanatic!  I have visited the four
that are still standing in Missouri and one in Illinois.

The one below is Sandy Creek Covered Bridge.
I've been to each one twice and look forward to
visiting them again!

I have researched the history of Missouri's covered bridges.
There have been over 30!  Sure wish there were more of
them still standing, but so thankful for the ones we still
 "The Lord shall give that which is good" - Psalm85:12

Have a lovely day!

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  1. You should come see the bridges in Pennsylvania! As a former Missouri resident I have to admit, I didn't really get into them way back when. I'd love to see them!

    We also happened upon several in New England and I enjoy taking pictures of them, too. Your post was fun!

  2. Well, I *did* know that about you Twyla and you found something very quaint to be fanatical about! ♥


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