Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Barn Charm

I've had my eye on this barn for a long time.
I would see it setting off of I-44 as I drove by.
One day, I couldn't stand it anymore.  I wanted
a closer look!  I drove off the closest exit and
found my way to it.
It actually is sitting not far from a small town
in Greene county.  I was pleasantly surprised
by it's great condition and cute shape!
We don't live in the county, but there are some
rural areas not far from us.  The other day as I was
driving toward the highway I passed a field
and this cow was just standing there looking
at me!
I love having my iphone handy all the time
when picture opportunities arise!  I rolled down
the window, slowed down and snapped his
picture.  I just love cows!

Thanks for joining me for Barn Charm.
Be sure to visit the other great barns at
Have a wonderful day!
Love, Twyla

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  1. Twyla:
    I have loved barns since I was a child. My siblings used to say that someday I would live in one. I still hope for that! In fact, I had a dream about living in a barn a number of years ago and the shape of the barn in my dream is like the one you show in your photograph. The only difference is that the end had a cantilever, which created a covered porch for my "home". Thanks for making me think about that again.
    Happy Spring!

  2. It's a nice barn and in good condition. I like the cow too!

  3. Beautiful barn:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. I'm always intrigued by barns that aren't red! I haven't been by to see your barn posts because I've been afraid of triggering post traumatic stress from leaving our farm! But I'm okay. God knows what my little family needs and evidently, it's NOT a barn! :)

  5. I love that barn...what a beauty!

  6. This is a great barn! It looks like they have flowers planted in tubs under the windows.

  7. Thanks for sharing your barn pictures. I sooo enjoy seeing them.
    Our brother-in-law had a round barn on his place which was later moved to a Christian camp grounds about 2 miles from his place. Has been all resotred and is really nice inside now. That was really something that day of the barn move. So much involved in moving a barn or any building.
    That cow is probably wondering what the heck you where doing taking his picture. :}

  8. what a beauty. so gorgeous. i love it!!

    that cow is too cute. aww. just a perfect photo. wonder what her name is? ( :

    have a great week.

  9. Love the barn and I like it's shape, too! Glad you got a closer look at it.

  10. she's a beauty, love the white, & of course, the blooms on the tree.

    thank you for joining, Twyla =)

  11. like this barn. I have the exact same clothes line as this place. funny.

  12. Crochet and barns two of my favorite things! You just inspired me to blog about a similar story with a cow! Loving your blog!

  13. Isn't that a cool shape for a barn? I love it. Is the bottom section cement?

    Cool shot.

    Noteworthy Musings - Barn Charm 129


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