Friday, March 8, 2013


Hi ladies!
I have finished my Cath Kidston inspired
granny square afghan!

It's about time considering I started it way
back in 2009!  I intended for it to be bigger,
but I was not inclined to start making more
blocks for it and decided it would make a
great lap-ghan size.

It actually is a great size at 38" x 48".
I also put a different border than I had
originally planned, but I Love this pretty
pink scalloped border!

It is hard to take pictures of yarn because it
never looks quite the right shade. 
I'm very pleased with this little project
that finally lived up to it's potential!

This is another project I'm working on and this is
not the ta-da moment!  This is still very much in
I am buying unfinished crates from Michael's
(with my coupons, of course) and painting them white.

I've always wanted built in bookcases and an idea I
saw on Pinterest made me realize this was one way
I could get that look!

I'm still building, I want many more than this and
don't look too closely to what's on the shelves:), it'll
be arranged when I finally get it done!

Thanks for dropping in for a visit!
It's always nice to see you!
Have a wonderful day and fantastic
Love, Twyla

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  1. This is so beautiful! You are inspiring me to complete my afghan.Blessings this day!

  2. I love your blanket, such pretty colors. Don't you feel great to have it finished?

  3. Love the afghan:) So beautiful! Great job on the shelves! Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!

  4. Oh the crates look great! Great job! You'll have so much fun arranging them. Maybe I could do this project if Bobby painted the crates???

    LOVE your afghan! I still keep yours on my bed and often use it here at the computer when i'm having a "cold flash".

    Thanks for your prayers for my boy. we're pretty sure he's safe now.

  5. It looks beautiful! Congratulations!!


  6. This is incredible. The red is so eye-catching and yes, it is difficult to photograph but you did a great job. I just want to keep staring at this all day. haha. Mesmerizing. :-)

  7. Love your blog! This is beautiful :) love handmade, DIY, Abd crafts! Check out my handmade :)

  8. Its beautiful your book cases too. Do show us your end results :) Blessings dear friend

  9. OOOH Twyla! That's it, I'm buying yarn again! I still treasure my first Twyla afghan, but I think this one has become my new favorite. The edging really adds the special touch, doesn't it.
    Your wall is so fascinating! What a clever way to share treasures. I didn't look too closely, yet! Have a lovely weekend! E

  10. Wow -- that blanket is just beautiful!!!!! Love, love the red. Very inspiring!!!

  11. Your afghan is beautiful Twyla!! Love those colors together!! Happy weekend! xo Heather

  12. Hi There,
    Oh...Just look at your beautiful handiwork. I love Cath Kidston's color combinations. Red and pink are both such happy, warm colors. Your crochet is lovely. What fun you will have snuggling beneath your cozy afghan.
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Carolynn xo

  13. Good morning Twyla!

    I have not come for a visit in awhile and I see you are still just as busy as ever. I thought of you a couple of months ago when I wore my pretty purple scarf you had made. I wore it with soft light gray and felt so warm and cozy.

    The crates are a wondeful idea. My husband made something the same out of wood apple boxes and painted them black for his comic hero room and the colors just pop off it. I think it will be the same with white.

    Anything Cath Kidston is full of charm as I'm sure the bed blanket is!

    I have been busy as always but really enjoying life. I still have my toy antique booth and I'm went back to working as a activity director (pure play for very little bucks!) and I am also a home decor designer for Celebrating Home. You might want to take a peek if you have time, they have beautiful homewares. It's a christian based company and I love that and it's pure fun!

    Good to catch up! Blessings to both of you,


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