Monday, February 4, 2013

Crafting and Vintage Valentine

Hello friends!
I've been playing in my washi tape this weekend.
Trying to see how many different ways I can use it.
I love how forgiving it is. Never tearing my paper.

Today's Valentine is this cute little boy!

Wishing you a happy day, Lindsey

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  1. Super cute! I have three rolls of tape... and I'm ever so stingy using it lol
    big hugs~

  2. Cute image...pinnned. Thanks! I've never used Washi tape but have heard it's a big thing. I'll have to check it out one of these days!

    I'm hosting my Homemaking Linkup Weekend and would love to have you join, if you'd like!

    Have a great day!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller


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