Monday, January 28, 2013

Valentine album and Vintage Valentine

Hello friends!
Do you ever wish you could just make time stop? Just for a couple days so you could get caught up on all the little jobs in life that seem to take up so much of your time? I am feeling that way right now. Just so many things to do that instead of doing it, I just sit and think about all I need to do. I'm sure all of you can identify with me. At some point I think we have all felt that way.
I did manage to do some crafting and made this Valentine Mini Album last week.

I used Bo Bunny's Love Letter collection and added some vintage style images to the album.

Played with some fun washi tape to add borders to the edges of my pages.

This line was so sweet. I loved the colors and feel of it. I am not usually drawn to Bo Bunny collections but this one caught my eye.

Valentine is such a fun holiday to craft for, but it comes way to quickly after Christmas! I'm hoping I carve out a little more time this week for Valentine crafting. What are you working on this week?

Here is today's Valentine! I love how bright and cheerful it is!

Have a lovely day, Lindsey

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  1. Hi Both!,
    You have a fantastic blog!!! I have spent a very happy hour browsing through it. Thanks for following me too with Grow your Own Blog. It's much appreciated and I now have 50 followers.
    I can really ampathise with your words in your post!!!LOL I spend ages worrying about what I should be doing and am not doing, then by that time I could have done them!!!! Just stop the clock for a week that would put me right back on schedule.
    Your Valentine's creation is fantastic!!! So much to see and such attention to detail it really is stunning and just love all the images you have selected.
    So looking forward to keeping in touch.
    Carol xxx

  2. Your album is beautiful! You really do such a lovely job!! Very inspiring to me!

  3. So beautiful and I love the vintage Valentine! Have a great week! xo Heather

  4. I love to visit your blog and see what you two are up to. So much creativity and inspiration to be found here! Thank you!!!!


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