Friday, November 2, 2012

Off To Work I Go

Hello friends!
This is one of my favorite doors to walk through.
My lovely place of employment, Scrapbook Generation!

I look forward to walking in the doors and always feel a little sad when it's time to close and leave.

I get to meet all kinds of people. Amazingly talented scrappers, beginners, card makers, altered artists, and people who are just trying to make party decorations, invitations, etc.

As each person walks through the door, I greet them and immediately ask if I can help them find something.

You just never know what to expect someone to request. And boy, I've had some doozies!!! I once had a lady request Day of The Dead paper, I politely told her that no, we didn't have any and then directed her towards the Halloween section!
I also had a sweet little old lady come in and ask for Barber Shop Quartet themed paper! I again apologised and said that no, we did not have any. She looked so shocked! Like that should be such a common theme to craft with!

I do feel so bad with every customer that comes in and requests something that we don't carry. As large as we are, it's just impossible to carry everything.
Although there isn't a company out there that makes Day of the Dead or Barber Shop Quartet themed papers. I just take it personally.

It does feels so good when I can help ladies find what they need and to learn about what they are creating! So very inspirational!

Thank you for stopping by today,

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  1. What a lucky employer to have you:) Not often does someone love their job like that! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. It must be like being in paper heaven to work there!

  3. What a great job to have! I would just have to sign over paychecks, lol. And still owe money, lol. Day of the Dead paper? Wow, you could forward this to Oct afternoon or Graffic 45 and see if they will do it, lol.

  4. Hi ladies! You know - I was just thinking of you two today and was so happy to see you checked out my doings at Writers on the Way! I've been absent for sometime and only back in Blogland for the past couple of weeks - really trying to get back into a routine after the start of the school year. Greast to catch up with you - and Twyla, I'm just green about that B&B you stayed at! Just my kind of room, too! Love the scrapbook goodies with all the vintage cards you found - quite the treasure trove. I'm sure we'll be seeing some favorites posted soon. Your store here looks amazing - something to really get lost in. I'd love to spend some time there - and under your tutelage for crafting techniques!!

  5. You are so fortunate to enjoy your job, Lindsey! I stopped into Scrapbook Generation a few weeks ago while visiting family in Springfield. The variety of product is outstanding! Sorry I missed meeting you, but I think you were on a personal weekend scrapbooking camp. Hope it went well!

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