Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'll Have a Blue Christmas....

Hello friends!
Our favorite color combination for Christmas is of course pink and red,
but another favorite color this time of year is blue.
So I picked out several of my favorite blue toned vintage Christmas cards
to share with you today!

Have a beautiful day, Lindsey

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  1. Very charming! We don't see much blue in Xmas decor these days!

  2. Ooo! Yes! snow and blue go so well together! Thanks for sharing. ♥

  3. Wonderful blues Lindsey, so charming! I'm a little scatter brained, I love all Christmas color combos and it's so hard to choose one theme. :)

    TWYLA! It was so great to see your name in my comments, been too long! You made me smile BIG. :)

    Happy happy holidays to you two and all of your dear ones,
    Sally xo

  4. I am loving blue for Christmas this year...even tho' I haven't done anything about it...yet! My Bedroom is pink and silver with aqua accents...I've been collecting card images in those colors to make a card garland sometime. Thanks!

  5. I love pink/red for Christmas too ever since I got the idea from you! And the blue is so beautiful and tranquil. I love gazing at it.

    Your post title reminded me of my recent trip to Elvis' home, Graceland, in Memphis, TN. It was such a great place to visit.

  6. Lovely cards, especially the candles and the last one with the church. I love blue at Christmas!


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