Saturday, October 6, 2012

Happy World Card Making Day

Hello dear friends!!!

Today is World Card Making Day!

I will be spending this day at my local scrapbook store (where I happily work)
teaching free card make n takes to all our customers.

I thought I would share with you this card and tag set that I created for my upcoming card class.

Have a lovely day, Lindsey

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  1. Happy "card making day" to you too :) Your cards, well all of your creations, are so beautiful.

  2. So lovely and sweet! Happy weekend! xo Heather

  3. Who knew! I should have been making cards yesterday. Would have fun to attend the make and take. Hope you are having a great weekend. Tammy

  4. Such a cute idea for a day, right!? Those look like such cute paper crafts.

    Love your site! Definitely following. Hopefully you'll check out my site too!?


    xo Sam

    DIY Huntress

  5. Love your inspire me...thanks!!!


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