Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - A Picture of Me

Hello Friends!
I was too self conscious to
show a picture of my new hair
cut last week, but decided since
we were all friends, it couldn't hurt.

I really am liking it!

Where I was in the picture was Hermann, MO!
Hermann sits right on the Missouri river.  Steamboats
used to come by right here back in the day.  One even
blew up here! 

This is the bridge that crosses the river.
We love to visit this beautiful town.  There are historic
old buildings, antique stores and wonderful food!

It is easy to imagine life in older times when you
visit here. 

Thank you for visiting with me today!
Have a beautiful day!
Love, Twyla

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  1. Love the haircut pretty lady! Beautiful scenery! Have a MOST blessed day, HUGS!

  2. You look BEAUTIFUL, Twyla! Love your new 'do! Never be too shy to share with us, my friend!

    Love your pictures--I sure do miss the Midwest...so beautiful! And you're right...in areas like that you can just FEEL the history--I love that!

    Wishing you a wonderful day!


  3. Your hair is darling! Thanks for sharing the illustrations in the vintage reader.

  4. Love the hair cut! How we are defined by our hair....I hide away if I have a bad hair day!! Yours is lovely xx

  5. We are all friends...blogging sisters no less :) I love your hair...you would be beautiful any way you wore it...your sweet expression speak volumes as to the kind of person you are. That looks like a wonderful place to visit...I do hope to be able to travel more someday...God willing I will :) Blessings to both you girls

  6. I love it, Twyla! You're such a cutie pie! I've cut my hair that short many times and it always makes my hair so happy- a fresh start!

    (We make our house offer this morning!)

  7. So pretty you are, and I like it!! Beautiful place to visit!! Have a great day! xo Heather

  8. You look fantastic with or without the new hair cut. I love it,

  9. It's a darling cut on you!!! It's nice that you showed us!
    What a beautiful state!

  10. It's perfect for your face shape and I'll bet it's easy to take care of too.

  11. why in the world did u take so long to show us your new do?....sooooooo very adorable:)

  12. Twyla, I LOVE you new do! It looks so nice on you! Sending you lots of love & hugs. xoxoxoxo

  13. It looks great - easy breezy.

    I'll bet it's easy to work with too.


  14. I just popped by to say hi and saw you pic first and was gonna type I liked the new 'do'..then I read the post. You look so pretty.

  15. I love your hair cut, Twyla! Very becoming, and very easy to take care of! Blessings, Becky

  16. You look super cute with you new hairdo!


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