Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - New Haircut and Where Am I?

Hello ladies!
I am asking all you Missouri ladies once again,
"Where am I?'
Any ideas?  It's one of my favorite towns!

I am also showing off my new haircut!
I decided I was tired of my hair and looked through
a hairstyle magazine and picked out a really cute
short style.  I showed it to my beautician
and she started cuting.

You know that feeling you get when you're sitting in
the chair and it feels like they're cutting way more
than you thought they needed to?  Well, I was definitely
getting that feeling!  I was trying not to panic, telling
myself that it's okay, it'll grow back.
I was shocked when I finally saw it.  Where was
the hair that was supposed to cover the sides of
my face?  Well, it has been a few weeks and
I am getting used to it.  It is growing and it is so
easy to take care of.

Thanks for dropping in!
Wishing you all much happiness!
Love, Twyla

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  1. Hi Twyla:
    I'd love to see your haircut from the front! I'm sure it's adorable. Hope you had a great weekend.

  2. You look so cute peeking over that wall! Of course I have no idea where you were but it looks like a fun place!

    Do you know, I haven't visited a beautician since moving to Idaho? If we buy the house we want, we'll be in a new town and THEN I'll go there.

    we had a great labor day! I'll be posted pics and a video of my boys.

  3. One more reason why I cut my own hair....I know when to stop!

    However, on you, I know it's always good because you're such a lovely lady. You could never look bad!


  4. Don't know where you are, but it looks pretty!!

  5. Hi Twyla. :) Same thing happened to me last week. I'm not sure how she interpreted my, "I like it longer and don't really want to cut much" to equal what seemed like two or three inches. :)

  6. Hi Twyla. :) Same thing happened to me last week. I'm not sure how she interpreted my, "I like it longer and don't really want to cut much" to equal what seemed like two or three inches. :)

  7. Turn around Twyla! It looks super cute from the back, and I bet it's equally cute from the front!

  8. I agree with Carol!!!
    TURN AROUND...I would LOVE to see your new "DO"!!!
    "Show me the "hair"!!!

  9. Oh, I wonder where you are? xo Heather

  10. I have no idea where you are...but I like your hair short! I know you'll enjoy it, too! I thought of you today! I found an Irmi nursery lamp at the thrift store and brought it home with me. It's in sad shape...but it works! Some of the characters were twisted off! boohoo! But I was happy to find one at last! It's a fixer upper! lol

  11. I really like to read.Hope to learn a lot and have a nice experience here! my best regards guys!


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