Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - Where I Was!

Hi friends!
It is time to let you know where I was!
I am standing at the Lewis and Clark monument
in St. Charles, Missouri!  It is on the waterfront
very close to where they set off on their historic
voyage along the Missouri river.  I always enjoy
visiting St. Charles.  It is one of our most beautiful
and historic towns.

Garden of Daisies and an anonymous reader both
guessed where I was.  That's great!  It was hard!

Unfortunately, I did not get my Olympic afghan finished
during the Olympics.  I am still working on it.  I'm not
sure how much longer I'll make it, but when it's just
right, I am going to add a border.

You may remember that I started a project of writing the Psalms.
I am using composition notebooks.  I cover the outside with scrapbook 
paper and decorate as I go with markers and stamps.   

It is very soothing to me to write the Psalms.  I am really loving it.
I am in to my 3rd notebook and up to chapter 58.

I glue two pages together to make them sturdier and then I whip stitch
the edges together.  This gives such a nice feel to the pages.  I've
also discovered washi tape!  It's fun and adds another bit of stability
to the pages.

Thanks for dropping by to see what I've been up to!
It's always great to see you!
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Love, Twyla

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  1. How fun! Your blanket is so beautiful! Love the colors! xo Heather

  2. Hello....you are dwarfed next to those giant statues! lol
    I love that you are writing out the scriptures. I've often thought of doing that with the book of Proverbs. Thanks for the inspiration.

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  3. My life verse is in Psalms.
    Psalms 121:1-2
    I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from wence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth.

  4. Hi Twyla! What a fun photo of you near that huge pup! I love your Olympic afghan...such perfect stitches and pretty colors! Your special notebooks are really lovely. xo

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