Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - Where Am I?

Hello dear friends!
If you've read my posts for very long, then you
know that I love to travel around my state of Missouri.

I have a goal to visit all the counties in the state.  There are 114 counties
in Missouri and I have visited 72  .
I am extremely interested in Missouri history and fascinated
with the many places that I visit.  Whether it's a common
tourist attraction or a peaceful country road.  I am
enjoying my journey of discovery. 
I thought it would be fun from time to time to
share with you a picture from my travels and
see if you can guess where I am.
Any ideas?!
You don't have to be from Missouri to
have heard of what this monument is for.
Thanks for stopping in for a visit!
Have a wonderful day!
Love, Twyla

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  1. What fun! I've never been to Missouri but it looks like a great place to visit. I love my state too. In fact, sweet hubby and I are headed out on this stormy(!)morning for a camping trip to one of Alabama's beautiful state parks, Wind Creek.

    I can't identify your location or the dog. My first thought was that the statue was of Ole Yellar, but I think he was a Texas dog? I'll have to check back later to get the answer. Thanks for sharing your Missouri adventures!

  2. I have no clue where you are but I am anxious to hear:) It looks like you are having fun! I also love to travel around my state! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  3. It's Seaman the Newfie! (My best friend adores Newfoundlands, so I just happen to have these bits of trivia floating around in my head.) Have you been to see the statue of Old Drum, "Man's Best Friend" in Warrensburg yet?

  4. I have no idea where you are but you sure are cute and I'm glad you're having fun! ♥

  5. I have no idea, but looks neat!! xo Heather

  6. Sounds like fun...I know you will visit many interesting places and see lots of beauty...have fun dear friend as you accomplish your goal :)

  7. Gosh, I have no idea. I've only been to Missouri once and that was St. Louis! Have fun in your travels!


  8. You're in St. Charles, of course!


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