Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - Birthday Party

Hello friends!
Today is my birthday!
Because we have made plans for today,
we already had my birthday party.
Thought I would give you a peek!

If you've been a reader of our blog for awhile
you know that we have themes for each party.
This year, since my New Year's resolution was
to read more books,
they surprised me with a book themed party!

Lindsey found these adorable Little Golden Book
decorations and she and my son did the decorating.
I think they did a fantastic job!

Aren't the decorations cute?!
Lindsey even used her collection of Little Golden
Books as part of the decorations.
Yes, you are right!  There were several
books in all those packages!
I have a lot of reading to keep me busy!

I loved the wall decorations.
How cute is it to use the plates?!

This year we opted for cupcakes instead of a big
birthday cake.  They were made by a bakery here
in town and they were So Good!

Thanks for stopping by my party.
I am getting to spend the day today with
my family.
I am very blessed.

Have a wonderful day, ladies,
and happy birthday to all the other
July birthday girls!
Love, Twyla

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  1. This is so special, what a great idea. My Birthday was very sweet too. Happy Birthday sweet lady, a hug to grow on, Mary

  2. Happy Birthday, Twyla! Love the decorations for your party! Great theme!Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Happy Birthday Miss July! Hope you have a fun filled Day, and yes the decorations are so whimsical... Great job the two of them did, made you feel like a child again. we are ageless. Hugs, Diane

  4. Oh, Twyla, this is adorable! They did a great job, as always. Happy birthday! I haven't forgotten you! I have been behind on blog reading and was surprised to learn that your hubby has been ill. Hope he is doing well. Hope you have a fantastic day & I will be catching up with you soon. xoxo

  5. Happy Birthday Twyla! July 24th is the best day for a birthday! Love the party, still have lots of little golden books from my childhood great party theme. Judy

  6. Happy Birthday Twyla. I hope you have a very special day with your family :) and many more......

  7. Happy Birthday Twyla! It is also my Niece's Birthday:) Love all of the decorations! I know it was a wonderful party! Have a blessed Birthday and many more ahead! HUGS!

  8. Happy, happy birthday dear Twyla! You're a very special friend who is dear to my heart.
    Little Golden book decor? Eeeek! Whoda thought they had that?! How fun! As usual, your kids did a great job decorating and managing the theme! ♥

  9. Happy, happy, happy birthday to you! What a cute party theme. I didn't even know you could find Little Golden book accessories and decorations. Adorable ! Happy reading! Hugs and blessings, tammy

  10. Such an adorable party theme!!! Count me in among the rest wishing you a Happy Birthday with many more to come!!!!

  11. Happy Birthday! July is a fabulous day for a birthday. I wish you well a happy year full of wellness and family.

  12. Happy, happy birthday pretty lady! Your children did an amazing job with the decorations.

    May you have many more such birthdays.


  13. HAPPY
    Aww..darling theme! You "guys" have the best themed birthday parties!

  14. If that's not the cutest birthday party I have ever seen...you lucky girl...you are so very blessed :)
    Happy Birthday dear friend...blessings

  15. Happy Birthday Twyla!! What an adorable party theme!! Love it!! Wishing you a beautiful day and week! xo Heather

  16. Wishing you a birthday filled with JOY and HAPPINESS, Twyla.
    Love the cute theme for your party and the cupcakes looks pretty good too ;-).

  17. Happy Birthday. What a cute birthday theme. I like the Golden Book decorations. Pokey Little Puppy is my favorite childhood book. I like the idea of having guests bring books. Hope you have a nice day celebrating.

  18. A very cute idea. Deorations are adorable!

    Happy Birthday to YOU!

    M :)

  19. Happy Birthday to you! Everything looks absolutely amazing! Enjoy your day! :)

  20. Happy Birthday To You!!!! Your party is adorable!

  21. Happy Birthday!!! That is the cutest set of decorations, who knew they had Pokey Little puppy out there????? Lots of nice gifts too! Have a great week...:)

  22. Happy Birthday! What an adorable party!! Looks like so much fun! Have a great rest of the evening! xo Holly

  23. Hi Twyla, A Belated Happy Birthday. Your party looked like it was so much fun and the books brought back some wonderful memories. It is so hot up here in NW Missouri. Triple Digits again which just exhaust you. Have a wonderful day. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.

  24. Happy belated birthday, Twyla!! Perfect decor. Your children know your love for vintage! :-)

  25. Those don't happen to be star cakes cupcakes? If they are my cousin is the owner.


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