Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - A Quick Hello!

Hello dear friends!
This has been a very different week for me.
My dear husband had surgery and I've
spent every day at the hospital with him.
I am happy to report that he came home
yesterday and will make a full recovery!

I am so far behind on everything!
Not to mention no time to craft or spend
any time on the computer!  I feel so out of

This is a picture I took at Dillard Mill, in
Missouri, last weekend.  It's my favorite picture
I took that day.  It brings me a lot of peace
just looking at it.  It was such a gorgeous
place and I look forward to going back for
a picnic and hike.

Thank you all for stopping by and please
forgive me for a short post!
Wishing you all much happiness!
Love, Twyla

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  1. A speedy recovery for your husband and a speedy one for you too so that you can get back to your crafting!!
    Go on that picnic when hubby is well!!

  2. Prayers and best wishes for a quick recovery for your husband! Beautiful picture! Heading out to look up Dillard Mill and see if I can find out more about it.

  3. I can certainly see why that picture would give you a sense of peace! Wishing Dear Hubby a quick recovery!!



  4. Lovely photo! Hope your husband makes a full recovery as quickly as he can!

  5. Glad to hear your hubby is going to be ok after his operation. That picture you took is spectacular. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Good news about your hubby. I know you're glad to have him home.

  7. Happy to hear that your Husband is doing well! I will add him to my prayer list! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  8. Hospital stays or so not fun! Hope recovery goes well.

    I'm into day 2 of my leg surgery. I'll be so gld to get it all behind me.

  9. When I saw that lovely photo my first thought was...Hobbiton! I almost expected to see a small farmer driving his flock to pasture. So pretty! Oh...and I am glad your husband is doing better. Family needs definitely put things into perspective.

  10. Oh Twyla! I'm so sorry your husband had to have surgery but so relieved and happy to hear that all is well. Sending wishes for a speedy recovery and lots and lots of hugs your way and to your entire family. Thinking of you!

    Sally xo

  11. I hope things go well with your husband's recovery. The best to you both.

  12. Praying for a speedy recovery for your husband! Beautiful photo! Take care. xo Heather

  13. Wishing your hubby a speedy recovery. All the best, Tammy

  14. Twyla,
    So glad to hear your husband will make a full recovery....hospitals are so bad for everyone...patients and visitors alike....I LOVE your photo....mind if I take a copy? So serene.....Have a better rest of the week!

  15. Hi Twyla, I am so glad that your hubby is home from the hospital and I will pray for a speedy recovery. I know about the time spent in a hospital that is one of the reasons I do as much embroidery as I do. I take it with me. I am there 24/7 with mine when he has to be in the hospital. Your picture is definitely peaceful looking. Take some time for yourself being he is home. That is always what I get told by our doctor, Have a great day. Hugs and Prayers Your Missouri Friend.

  16. Wishing your hubby a smooth and speedy recovery. The photo is lovely. I hope it won't be long until you and hubby can enjoy a picnic there.

  17. Dear Twyla:
    I'm finally able to visit and find that your dear husband has had surgery! I hope all is well, and will pray for his speedy recovery.

    I, too, love your photo with this post. Something about old barns and mill houses that speaks to me. May this image continue to bring you contentment and peace until you can visit again with your sweetheart.

    You'll both be in my thoughts and prayers.



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