Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - Instagram Pictures

Hello dear friends!
I sincerely want to thank you all for your
kind words, well wishes and prayers on last
weeks blog post about my husband's surgery.
I am very happy to report that he is doing well!
He had a colon resection and will be off work
another 6 to 8 weeks.  I am taking Very
good care of him:)

We recently celebrated our 33rd wedding
anniversary and he surprised me with a new
iphone!  I didn't think I was smart enough to
use one, but have found it to be easy!

One of the reasons I had wanted one was
because I was
so entralled with Instagram pictures!
I wanted to be able to take those cute little
pictures, too!

The pictures I am sharing in this post are all
ones I've taken and edited with Instagram.

The church picture above is the church my
grandma went to when she was alive.

The name of this creek is Swan Creek.  The
water is clear as glass!

Independence Day is coming up soon and
I wanted to take a flag picture.  I thought
it turned out pretty as it was waving in the wind. 
The great thing about Instagram is that even
though I am not a great photographer, I can
still take pretty pictures!

Thank you all for stopping by for a visit today!
Let me know if you love Instagram pictures, too!
Have a beautiful day!
Love, Twyla

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  1. So happy to hear your husband is doing well...take good care of him and you!

  2. I'm so glad to hear your husband is recovering from his surgery-you must be a very good carer!

    Happy Anniversary too!Congratulations on 33 years!

    Isn't the iphone great? I am also very addicted to instagram-I love it! Your pictures are gorgeous! I'll have to see if I can find you.

    Best wishes and take care,
    Natasha in Oz.

  3. Happy anni to you! Your hubby's surgery sounds like a biggie! Mine was mild in comparison.

    I've been seeing instagram pics popping up on face book but don't really know hat it's all about! I guess i'll learn!

  4. So glad to hear that your husband is recovering well from his surgery.
    Belated anniversary greetings to both of you. We are celebrating 31years tomorrow.
    I'd say you are definitely smart enough to operate your I Phone. The pictures are all beautiful. I have seen instagram photos on other blogs, but beyond that ... clueless :).

  5. Those are great photos! I have no clue about iphones and such!
    Glad your hubby is recovering...that's a huge surgery.

  6. So glad to hear hubby is well and recovering! Bless you as you help him mend. Love your Instagram - wondered what that was - have seen so many posting photos with it on fb. You do take some great pictures, too, milady!


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