Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - House Tour

Hello dear friends!
A couple of weeks ago I shared some
pictures of barns that I had taken
around our state.  Well, I also love to
take pictures of some of our beautiful,
historic homes!

I travel all over the state.  I absolutely love
Missouri!  The beauty of the countryside is
breathtaking and we have beautiful towns.

My favorite places to visit are towns with a rich
history.  All of these homes were built in the
1800's.  I've kind of made it a goal to visit
every area of our great state and am marking
off the roads I travel on a map.

I love to read about the history of each town.  It
makes the visit more interesting!

We had the good fortune Sunday afternoon to
visit this home (below) during an open house.
It is a grand mansion that was built in 1875
and has 29 rooms!

This is a picture in the upstairs looking
toward the 'rose' room.  It is actually a
small library.  The floors throughout
were two-toned, walnut and oak. 

This is the front drawing room bay
window.  Aren't those columns grand?
They had a rummage sale the week
before and it was still laying around.
Oh, how I'd love to move my stuff in!

One of our famous Missourians is
Mark Twain.  This is one of my
favorite quotes of his:

Twenty years from now you will
be more disappointed by the things
you didn't do than by the ones you
did do.  So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your
sails.  Explore. Dream. Discover.

I try to live that way.  I don't
want to regret the things that I
could have done, should
have done, or thought I
couldn't do. 

Thank you for spending part
of your day with me!
Wishing you much happiness!
Love, Twyla

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  1. Beautiful homes! I enjoyed the tour! Love that quote by Mark Twain, I try my best to live that way too:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. Such beautiful homes...thanks for sharing...blessings

  3. I would love to have one of those awesome homes. How cool that you got to go into one for a sale.
    Happy Tuesday!

  4. GREAT house... LOVE old architecture!

  5. I love these houses, especially the purple and pink one!! So fun, and beautiful!! xo Heather

  6. Wow thankyou for the tour... I loved it!!


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