Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - Vintage Finds

Hello, friends!
It's been awhile since I shared some of my
vintage finds!  When I am not crocheting
or working in my journals, you'll often
find me in antique stores around our
beautiful state!
As you know, I Love motto prints!
This one is just the style I love!
It is dated 1929.

I found this beautiful antique photo album
just this past Sunday.  It needs some
restoration and I hope to carefully
repair and add a personal touch to it.

I love these old celluloid boxes.  This one was in
nice condition for it's age.

I was particularly excited when I discovered that
the mirror, comb and brush set was still inside!

I hope you've enjoyed seeing some of my
latest finds.  These old things bring me such
pleasure.  Way more than new things found
in malls!  That's just not my style.
Thanks for visiting!
Have a wonderful day!
Love, Twyla

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  1. Super finds, I'm sure you will treasure them.


  2. Fantastic finds, especially the little print - lovely.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  3. Hi Twyla and Lindsey!
    Great Finds and what luck to have the complete dresser set! Looking thru you past couple of posts I realized something. I still have my little bedside lamp..by Irmi...Little Miss Muffett. I'll have to locate that and show ya.

  4. Oh, I definitely enjoyed seeing them - i always enjoy seeing your lovely finds. and that "You" picture is absolutely GORGEOUS. Great stuff, Twyla!

  5. Morning Twyla!
    Very nice treasures! Going to the antique shops is so much FUN and relaxing!
    Happy Tuesday!

  6. wonderful vintage finds!! :) And how exciting about the comb set still being inside! :) Have a lovely day! xo Holly

  7. What beautiful finds!! I love the mirror, brush, and comb!! So gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a lovely day!! xo Heather

  8. Wow Twyla! Those are wonderful finds. Such good condition for all these years. Obviously someone took care of their treasures. Enjoy and have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  9. Lovely finds Twyla...I love the dresser set especially.

  10. Oh my goodness, everything is really special. True treasures..so much fun to see. Hugs, mary

  11. Twyla,
    So sweet!
    Have not been by for awhile and wanted to wish you a Happy Mother's day.


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