Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - Puppy love and Journal update

Hello friends!
I am so lucky.  I have such little sweeties to live with!
This is my Muffin.  He is just the sweetest thing, but
hates when a dog is on tv!  He runs over to the tv and
barks at it!

This is Barney.  Our little rescued bichon.  He is so loveable.
In fact, he's the first dog I've ever had that would rather
have a snuggle than food.

Spencer, our poodle.  Just a boy alone with his thoughts.
I have to wonder what he is thinking about here.  Maybe
that the sun feels good after just getting clipped!

Work is progressing on my Psalm journal.  I am actually up
to Psalm 22!  I love copying these words.  They bring me
such peace.

I decorate each page with stamps and scrapbook papers, punches
and markers.  It's a real labor of love.

I glue two pages together because I like the way the pages feel.
At this rate, it will probably take several journals to encompass
all of Psalms.

Thank you for dropping by today!
Have a wonderful day!
Love, Twyla

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  1. Love the dogs. They look so clean and loveable and loved. Also love how you are writing out the Psalms...such a wonderful way to soak up the divine breathed inspiration. God Bless.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous pics of puppies!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  3. Hi Twyla! Cute Furkids. And, those Psalm journals are looking wonderful. It's wonderful how those words and the Book of Wisdom are still so relevant...fresh....God is some writer and publisher!!

  4. Good morning, Twyla! Such sweet puppies! I'm glad you have them. My puppy Butters would rather have snuggles than food, too!

    I love your Psalm journal! Early on in my walk with the Lord, I would copy down many passages from the scriptures that were dear to me, too.

    Have a great day! ♥

  5. Your furbabies are so sweet! I can just seen the love in their eyes. Except for Spencer, of course, since he has his back to the camera. :) I imagine writing the Book of Psalms would be quite soothing. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  6. Morning Twyla,
    Love seeing your puppies. Makes me smile!
    thanks for the email :)
    Your Psalm journal is cool.

  7. HI Twyla!! Your doggies are so sweet, with such precious faces!! I would love to snuggle with them, too!! Your Book of Psalms is so lovely, and what a blessing to read and write those words!! Have a great day! xo Heather

  8. Ahh, such sweet little doggies!

  9. Such sweet little doggies...my Boston Terrier is 13 and is getting very feeble. He has also lost his hearing. I hate to see him getting so old,but we all must take that path,all God's creatures! I love what you are doing with your journal! I must get more creative. You are inspiring me :)

  10. love your sweet pooches! also love your journal...i'm also working on psalms through a beth moore bible study...i'm writing my favorite verses in my journal and i absolutely love it! i'm using some of my scrap stash to embellish too, and i think it's a labor of love that is truly blessing my soul...thanks so much for sharing yours too!

  11. Love the journal. My bishon does the same thing and he understand the word dog so we try not to say it too much, such a loud bark in respond. He is also the most loving little dog, acts more like a baby than a dog. I have pictures of him in my blog. Be blessed.

  12. Dogs(and cats) bring so much joy to our lives, don't they! Your decorated Psalm book is really lovely. You have beautiful and even handwriting.

  13. Thank you for sharing your psalm book. I've done that with favorite poems but never thought of doing that with favorite prayers and psalms.

    I loved seeing your dogs! I gave my heart to a miniature poodle back when I was a youngster. She was going to be taken to a shelter if my parents hadn't adopted her, and I felt so lucky when she followed me to bed that night having decided to adopt me as her girl. =)

  14. What a beautiful exercise, Twyla! It seems as though writing the words would give you special ownership of them. I like that a lot.

  15. Oh, and you know how I feel about dogs. Our lives wouldn't be the same without them now, would they?

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