Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - April Birthday's

Hi Friends!
As you may have noticed, we have a
birthday list in our sidebar each month
that tells the birthday's of blogging friends.
The month of April is particularly long!
Happy Birthday to all of you with April birthdays!

If your name isn't on the list and you'd like it to be, 
just leave us a note in the comment section telling us
your birth date and we will include you!
It is our hope that other's will give you a special greeting
on your special day!

April is such a happy month.
It starts off with good hearted humor and brings
sunny, spring days.
Not a month we think of funerals.
I attended the funeral of my dear Aunt on Monday.
She was 84 and had been married to my uncle
for 67 years.  They met when they were 14 and have
rarely spent a day apart in all those years.
Her children remembered here as loyal and honest.
I think she left a wonderful legacy.
I will miss her.

I thought you might enjoy this sweet little girl.
You may use her image in your crafting.

Have a beautiful day!
Love, Twyla

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  1. I read once that there are more April babies in the US than any other month. Doing a little calculation...4th of July. Fireworks;)


  2. Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes! (Mine is not until next week, but as I never know if my computer will let me comment, and I can today, I thought I should leave my appreciation to you girls now!) I do love having my birthday be in April ~ such a lovely month!

    Cindy's comment above is hilarious!

    Blessings from an old firecracker! :~)

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your aunt, how sad.
    These pictures are lovely especially the little girl Hugs Elaine

  4. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear aunt. But I enjoyed hearing about her long married life. So rare these days!
    Thank you for including me again on the B-day list this year. Be sure to visit on Thursday for my Blogiversary/Birthday giveaway!

  5. You have a tender heart and I know you will miss your Aunt.
    Thanks for remembering my birthday on your list!
    Happy Tuesday!

  6. Oh, what a sweet thing to do!! Love the vintage cards and sweet little girl!! Hope you have a wonderful week! xo Heather

  7. Hello to you both!

    I'm an April baby just like my mother, brother & son! I suppose the tradition carries on!

    You're Aunt was blessed to have a long happy marriage and a loving niece. Warm wishes for your heart and joyful memories.



Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We LOVE each and every one!