Friday, March 9, 2012

Scrapping a Mini Book

Hello friends!
I've been scrapping this week using a lovely
 new paper line called, Miss Caroline by My Mind's Eye.

This line was filled with cool wood grain patterns and florals.
I purchased the 6 inch paper pad to create a paper bag album.

I loved the layered look of these patterns!
The flowers and dolies make me think of Spring and how ready I am for everything to bloom and bring sunny days!

I love how kraft cardstock coordinates well with
any paper and always has a nice vintage feel.

Wishing you a beautiful day, Lindsey

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  1. Love it:) Enjoy your day, HUGS

  2. That is beautiful unique paper, I will definately check it out. Your work is splendid as always.

  3. This is just great, always love what you come up with!

  4. This is just great, always love what you come up with!

  5. I TOO LOVE the Kraft Card stock!!!!!!!!! :)Glad to see someone else thinks like I do!:)

  6. so lovely.. i will always flollow your blog.. have a great day

  7. That is wonderful exclusive papers, I will most definately examine it out. Your perform is wonderful as always.


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