Friday, March 16, 2012

Pretty Vintage Find

Hello friends!
I picked up this cool vintage notepad holder at an Antique shop!
How cool is it that the role of paper is still intact, as well as the pencil!
I really love how the pencil looks as if it were wittled with a knife instead of a regular sharpner.

I thought the graphics along the sides were so sweet
and perfect to hang in my craft room!

Have a lovely day, Lindsey

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  1. I LOVE your blog!!!! Will be happy to be a friends!!! I have a 2 daughter too! Welcom to my blog please. Hello from Russia, and sorry my English! Nika

  2. Love it! Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!

  3. Great the way the paper is held flat at the bottom

  4. Fun! And it looks very familar. ♥

  5. Great fine, and useful. Have a great weekend, Mary

  6. The notepad holder is very neat! And it's something you'll enjoy using! Happy weekend! ♥


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