Friday, March 30, 2012

My Addiction

Hello friends!
I have an addiciton to fabric!
Now that being said, have you ever seen any fabric crafts shared here on the blog?
 Nope, cause I don't sew, except for yoyo's which are easy!

But I have an addiction to feedsack print fabric.
 I love to buy fat quarters and Moda Charm Packs!

I think someday maybe I will pull out my sewing machine and learn, but for now I will just gaze lovingly at my overflowing stash of sweetness!

How about you?
 Do you love to collect something without really planning to use it?

Have a wonderful day, Lindsey

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  1. I love the 1930's prints as well. I am a sewer or at least was until 16months ago when my bad back stopped all that. Previous to that I sewed almost every day since I was a little kid. Thankyou for sharing.

  2. well I think using cute fabric for cute yo-yos is a great idea! I've yet to make some but it's on my crafting wish list. ♥

  3. Very pretty fabrics!! I too love them and find myself "oh i'll just buy a few here and there" lol. Have a lovely Friday!

  4. I love pretty fabric and have so many ideas for small projects that these are perfect for! I need to buy some more! lol ♥

  5. I can't resist fabric. I just bought a huge box of quilting fabric at an estate sale. Most I gave to my cousin who quilts but saved some for me. As a matter of fact that's what my blog post is about today! What I made with what I kept and it has to do with yoyo's!

  6. I'm right with you, because although I don't sew alot, I would like to have a yard of every cute fabric that I see, especially Moda!

  7. Oh dear....if you could see my see my stash, if fact we have a lot of the same ones....i just keep telling my self...."someday" you are going to do something.......if you go to my pinterest I have a board called "I Don't Sew, but if I Did"....craziness for sure! LOL

  8. Love these fabrics!!! I could see myself becoming addicted to fabric...esp the older prints and the quilt quarter bundles! xo

    -pamela :)

  9. Lindsay you do have an addiction to fabric..... but it is all stunning Hugs Elaine

  10. I've bought many fat quarters from Joann's but I don't sew either. I just like the way they look and how the patterns all coordinate. :) Maybe one day I will use them, for something. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  11. I love fabric so much! And yes, yoyos are really easy and fun to make. I have made hundreds in my lifetime! Just love all the pretty patterns you've shared here. The bunny pattern is so cute.

    I am having a giveaway on my blog right now so pop over if you can.
    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  12. Oh, I am right there with you on the addiction of lovely fabric! I adore collecting the feedsack prints, and vintage linens! I have fabrics in bags, for a plan to use them one day, for something very special!! How bad is that! :) xo Heather


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