Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vintage Style Bottle Brush Tree Tutorial

Hello friends!
I made Sugar Kissed Bottle Brush Trees!
I've always wanted to try making my own trees and this year I finally did and it is so easy!

I started by picking up a couple packs of trees at Hobby Lobby.

Then I simply soaked them in a bowl of bleach and water until they turned white.

Now to color them, you can mix Distress inks or paint into spray bottles.
If you use paint, use 2 parts paint to 1 part water.

It's a little messy, so I set the tree in a cardboard box and started spraying until I achieved the desired color.

Now set them out to dry. I let them dry over night.

Now take a paint brush and lightly rub glue over the tips of the trees and sprinkle with glitter.
 I used Martha Stewart's White Gold glitter.

You can also cover the tree bases with glitter for extra sparkle.

I can see where this could easily become addictive! I want one in every color!

Wishing you a lovely day, Lindsey


  1. Hi there! I found this post because it was linked on Pinterest. What a great tutorial - thank you so much for posting it! I have always wondered how to make these sweet trees, and I'm thrilled to learn, especially since I already own the products I'll need! I subscribed to your blog -- I'd love it if you subscribed to mine, too! Thanks again for sharing. :)
    Happy Holidays!

  2. Merry Christmas girls, your trees came out great! Hugs, Marilou

  3. My sister Diane "Saturday Finds" is a pro at these sweet little trees. Aren't they fun to make? Merry Christmas to you!

  4. I can't believe how simnple they are, I will certainly be giving this a go.
    Thank you!

    Beki xxx

  5. How simple and oh so sweet! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Well I'm such a silly, I didn't even know you could buy these at the craft store! Hee-hee! Thanks for the tute! ♥

  7. Beautiful! I would love to try this... perhaps after Christmas! HUGS!

  8. I tried doing this a couple of years ago and for some reason I had trouble getting the green color out. Have you had that happen? Maybe it was the tree I was using. I'm going to try again. Yours are so pretty!

  9. Wonderful girls I love them. On Pinterest I found a tutorial for making the sisal trees and when I can get some rope I will try some of those. I actually can't find these little pre-made trees in my town in Alaska so I must make the trees.

  10. I've bleached the trees, but never got around to coloring mine. Thanks for the tips. Love your sweet pink trees. Merry Christmas!

  11. Thank you for sharing your vintage tree tutorial...these turned out beautiful :)
    A Very Merry Christmas to you Girls,
    Big hugs,

  12. These trees are just darling! I love all the tags and crafts you have posted. That snow scene in the jar was too precious & the scarf Twyla made was so pretty & such a nice color. I'm mad at myself that I didn't get to comment on that giveaway! Merry Christmas and I hope your family has a wonderful holiday season! xoxo

  13. Wonderful idea! Xmas is more cheery with the colours we love!

  14. I have wondered how to make these!
    I love the white ones. Guess I'll make these after Christmas..too much going on now. Thanks for sharing!
    Have a very Merry Christmas!
    Peace and Blessings,

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