Monday, December 12, 2011

A Very Vintage Christmas

Hello friends!
Today I wanted to share with you a wonderful new book!

It's by Susan Waggoner, who has published several wonderful books about the history of Christmas. This one is more geared toward crafting.

She starts with the 1920's and goes through the 60's talking about what colors an style were popular at the time. She also shares simple craft projects.

I am about half way through reading this book. I thought it was very interesting to read that in the majority of the 1920's, poinsettias were not decorated with as there was a rumour that it was poisonous and that a child had died from eating a leaf. It was later proved untrue, although it is poisonous to pets.

There is even a small section of recipes as well as several pages at the back of vintage Christmas images to scan and print.

I could not find it a my local book store, so I purchased it on amazon.

The last Tim Holtz inspired tag to share. Visit his blog to see all 12 of his Christmas tags.

Have a wonderful day, Lindsey


  1. I remember this from somewhere... It would be fun to read the different traditions through the years.

    Have a great week! ♥

  2. I have a give away posted on my sidebar for this ends tonight at midnight. It's a fun book indeed.
    Blessings on your week.

  3. Thanks for showing this book. It looks good, I can hardly resist crafting books!

  4. Hi Ladies,

    Lindsey, thank you so much for this info. I ordered it a few hours ago and it's on it's way to my door by 8 p.m. tonight! We have an Amazon warehouse in Arizona, so I can get things the same day! I'm so excited, thanks again for the heads up.


  5. Hello girls. I have been thinking about you all alot these past couple of days. I went to a auction barn here this past Friday night and it was clean out your Christmas Decor night. I got some awesome vintage ornaments and a big box of old writing tablets and cards. I just keep thinking of you all and how much you would love it. Someday I am gonna come to that flea market and bring you all some greta stuff. I have way too much to keep it all and I know you all would appreciate it.

    I saw those books at our local Sam's Club store. I think there is a total of 4 different ones. I also saw the vintage toys one. If I remember right the club price was about 12.88 each. Pretty cool books. Merry Christmas

  6. I might have to buy that book if I get some Christmas money! I have a couple other ones and saw that one on someone's blog! Looks like a must have!
    Warmest Christmas wishes,

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