Friday, September 23, 2011

Creative Inspiration

Hello friends!
You may remember a horrifying photo shown last Friday of my messy craft table. Now, as you scroll down and look at these new horrifying photos, I just want to admit that I did clean my desk. Really I did! On Sunday! But alas, I started a new project and it quickly turned into this scary sight.

This is my favorite paper cutter, it is always a main tool on my table. A Tonic Guillotine cutter. I love it!

What project has messed up my work area, you ask? Well, a Halloween paper bag album. It's been awhile since I've made a mini book using paper bags, but I really enjoy it! It's so fun! This is the cover so far. None of it is glued down yet, so that I can continue to rearrange things until I am happy.

For inspiration I turned to this 2009 October issue of Somerset Studio.
I love flipping through Somerset magazines to get my crafty mojo started!

I also turn to my Halloween album from last year to get inspiration.

I love being able to see techniques that I forgot I had used!
It helps to renew my creativity!

Blogs are also a must when I need a creative pick me up to get inspiration!
How do you get inspired?

Have a lovely day, Lindsey


  1. Your table doesn't look that bad to should see mine right now! Just finishing a big project & it's a wreck up there! Oh, well...!

    I love reaching for Somerset when I need inspiration, too--always works!

    Love your Halloween projects--perfect! I need to get mine going, too!

    Wishing you a wonderful night, my friends!

    (p.s. I goofed and left this on yesterday's here it is again!)


  2. Isn't that how a craft table SHOULD When I have a clean-up, I can never find anything!!! Happy crafting, Jenny

  3. Oh, I love your Halloween album from last year! Looks like this year's will be exciting too. Messy craft tables are signs of inspiring work in progress :)

  4. My craft table is clean... I would rather have a messy one if I could create such beauty like you! Have a blessed day dear Lindsey, HUGS!

  5. Oh! It's a pumpkin snowman! How cute! I cleaned off my craft table after your messy table post so ! guess I was "inspired" by you! :)

  6. A pile of crafting supplies can never look horrible! Just proves that you are having loads of fun. I love making paper bag albums. Yours is turning out great. Hope your day is fabulous. Best wishes, Tammy

  7. I Think it looks like a table chock full of Love your little book!!!

  8. What's that saying about a messy [craft room] is the sign of a creative mind? ;)

    Come see the accordion book on my blog that I made! Happy Autumn!

  9. In Sweden we said that a messy workplace is a creative brain. A clean workplace is an empty brain. So creative YES clean desk NO. Love the card :O)

  10. Hey, you're crafty..dshould we expect yp to be neat too? I think not :-) Darling cards!

  11. and should you expect me to type well? :-)

  12. I had a good chuckle when I saw your table. Last night I was in a flurry to get a blog post done and my table looked just like that, only worse! Things were falling off onto the floor!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog and joining me as a follower! I just joined you and look forward to reading more.

  13. What I say is that a messy art table makes for a happy crafter - crafting. Good place to be.


  14. Wow! Look at those pages! I don't scrap book, but love layers on my cards and your pages look fantastic! I love to sit and look at all the elements people use on a project! Eye candy for me without the calories!


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