Friday, August 19, 2011

Wizard Of Oz ATC Blog Hop

Hello friends!
If you are like us you have very fond
memories of watching the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
on tv when you were a child.

It has always held a special place in our hearts.
That's why we were inspired to do an ATC Blog Hop
with that theme!

The little cabinet holds some memorabilia along
with some of our ATC's.

Here are a few close-ups of our ATC's.
This one features Graphic 45's fun Magic of Oz paper line.

On this ATC, I embossed yellow cardstock wih a brick embossing folder
 and then distressed it with Vintage Photo Distress ink to create a fun background.

This ATC was created by Twyla.

Now you can link your ATC post below.

Thank you so much for your participation!
Have a fun day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Hi, Girls! How are you? Love these ATCs - they are so pretty! Congratulations on the opening of your new shop and I love the name! You are all so busy I don't know when you find the time to blog!
    (((HUGS))) to you both, and Twyla, I found some Reminisce that I failed to send you with your BD stuff. I have put them where I won't forget them at Christmas. xoxoxo

  2. Love the Oz ornaments :) I hope you have a great time on your journey along the yellow brick road :) Happy crafting, Jenny

  3. Hi, Love your ATC's . Thanks so much for hosting .
    Love & Blessings,

  4. Happy Wizard of OZ day to you both.
    I love all you cute memorabilia and I love your ATC's.

    Thank you so much for hosting this blog hop. Hop the number of participant increases through the day.


  5. Hi Girls!
    Darn!!! I don't know how I missed THIS blog hop. I'm gonna have to pay closer attention, I guess.

    Your cards are beautiful, and I'm going to have fun checking out everyone else's, too! What a grand theme idea. Love it!

    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Donna and Tag

  6. Precious! I love The Wizard of Oz! Enjoy your day! HUGS!

  7. Just found your darling blog-- love the mother daughter connection! ...on my way over to The Sugar Kissed Cottage now. Thank you!

  8. I followed the yellow brick road straight to your blog! I love your cards, and I enjoyed seeing those little figures in your cabinet. My daughter has the same ones!

  9. Thanks for hosting. I like the name of your new shop too. Best wishes to you both.

  10. Love these ATC's so sweet. And the little display cabinet is perfect.

    I still watch the Wizard of 1x every year - pop some popcorn and I'm all set!


  11. You gals sure are busy -- a new shop, blog and creating all the time. Wishing you all the best on your crafty adventures, Tammy

  12. Thanks so much for hosting this FUN blog party...I really enjoyed it, and all the crafters have such wonderful cards! !

  13. Hi guys - my picture didn't come through. LOVED the whole ATC idea! Thanks for hosting!

  14. Thank you so much for hosting this really fun blog hop, Twyla and Lindsey! It's been so much fun going to visit the other participants - love blog hops!
    Your ATCs are wonderful, as is all your work!
    Have a good weekend!

  15. Hi Twyla and Lindsey, Do you know my very favorite work client to this day talks about the Wizard of Oz themed party you threw a time ago. She was allowed to visit your blog and was thrilled to see your collectibles. Hope your summer is going well. Elizabeth

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Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We LOVE each and every one!