Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Twyla Tuesday

Hello dear ladies!
Can it possibly be the end of August?
My beloved summertime is coming to an end.

I will miss the light in the evenings.
The sandals.
Sitting in my sunroom.
The 49 cent ice cream cones at McDonald's.
(Okay, I probably won't miss that since I plan
on still having those.)
Iced coffee.
(Oh yeah, not stopping that either.)

I will continue the antiquing trips.
This weekend I found the sweet little angel,
the vases and the Mother motto print.
Ahh, summertime treasure hunting.

I was particularly proud of this little embroidered
piece.  It is very old.  You can tell.
The tag said it was from a three generation
estate sale.  Very fragile and aged, but oh, the

No, I'm not rushing the season, but this latest
giant granny square afghan is very autumn inspired.
It's oranges, purples, sages and black almost
make me feel ready for some apple cider.
I will cling to the lazy days of summer until it is
over.  I know many of you love fall and all
the wonderful activities that it brings.

There is so much to be thankful for.
I am thankful to you, our dear friends and hope
and pray that all are well after the weekend's
My heart goes out to you who were touched by it.
Have a wonderful week!
Love, Twyla


  1. love your pics!!! greetings, angie

  2. Hi Ladies,

    I love the idea of summer and I treasure some of my memories from when I was younger, but now it's just a waiting game for a tiny bit of cooling down after 118 degree days. I hope you're both having a wonderful week so far.


  3. I am also sad to see the end of summer. I love everything about it, including the heat! We just go to the beach or swim in our pool.

    But I will find lots to enjoy about fall. More time for crafting!

  4. I know, right! Where has August gone?! Can't say we'll miss summer though since it stays summer-like (translation = sweaty!) most of the year here in Flordia!


  5. Morning Twyla,
    Yes, not many days left of summer..I'll enjoy them too. Fall is my favorite season..and I hope it lasts until Dec 20th...
    Sweet little vases and angel. How many motto's do you have now??
    Have a great day!
    deb :)

  6. I pray for Autumn after our horrible hot summer...to hot to have any fun :) Those are some sweet finds and a beautiful afghan....blessings dear Twyla.

  7. Good morning Twyla friend! Your afghan looks very cozy and cute with its pumkin friend. :) I love how you've been using a chair as your back drop.

    Well the only reason I'm looking forward to Fall is for my birthday and my vacation but I do hope it is a looooong Fall and that Winter will NOT come early again this year!

    Wow, I haven't had an ice cream cone in ages! sounds good!

    Have an awesome Tuesday! ♥

  8. It seems each season brings new things to enjoy, but I'm glad you're not giving up the important things like ice cream cones and iced coffee :).
    Love your latest treasures, esp. the blue vases. So pretty.
    Your afghan is gorgeous and I really like the way you photographed it.

  9. Dear Twyla, I love your little vases..I can picture them holding the daintiest flowers and looking so sweet. Abd your sweet angel..yup, good finds...welcome fall with open arms as it is going to happen no matter how much we will miss our lovely summer...LOL!

  10. Oh! I love a good treasure hunt! You found some lovelies - and the old cross-stitch is lovely. Something so personal in old hand-made's that makes me wonder about what was happeing while it was being created - the conversation, the popular fashions . . .

    Fun to wonder - Joy!
    Miss Kathy

  11. Are those your collectible tiny figures? They are so cute! Continue to collect more. You may use it someday especially if your mom is planning to have a sun room.


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