Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pink Saturday

May joy and happiness
be thine,
'Tis a wish of the rose
and of mine.

A postcard dated Sept. 30, 1912.
An enduring affection.
Not many clues are given in the writing
except that Dorothy visited Carrie.
I wonder what they would have talked about?
Were they sisters or childhood friends?
Did they share a laugh or a jar of
canned green beans?
A visit long past left only to our imagination.
Dorothy would be so surprised her
postcard was being shared with so many.

Be sure to visit Beverly and the other
Pink Saturday posts!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. I adore old postcards, too, and have acquired quite a stash of seasonal ones (Christmas, Valentine, Easter, Thanksgiving. I even have one beat up Halloween one...they are hard to find and very expensive if in good you no doubt know! :)

    Hope you have a great Pink Sat. It's a glorious day in KC...I hope it is in your part of the state, too!


  2. Beautiful vintage post cards - they just have something so sweet and endearing about them that we do not see produced today. Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday to you, Dru

  3. Love the darling cards.

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  4. Oh I love this and I too wonder what the correspondence was and between whom?
    I also have a collection of post cards from long ago and wonder the same thing when I see the message and post mark as to where it came from.
    Thanks for sharing and stopping by to say hi!

  5. I love all cards. It was treat to see this pretty one you shared.

  6. What a beautiful card and lovely sentiments. Hope your day is great. Tammy

  7. Sweet pinkness:) Love that card and from so long ago! Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  8. how very sweet!

    i hope you have been enjoying summer!

    adorable image :)


  9. My first stop since following, this caught my eye in my Reader, since I'm a card maker I figured you have made this beautiful card!

    This vase of roses is beautiful. You're lucky to have found it! Pink has always been a favorite of mine!

    I'm so going to enjoy this blog!

  10. I love this image-I'm always drawn to flower/poetry pictures and books. Such sweet sentiments take us back to a simpler time.

  11. Love the pretty postcard! Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  12. what a pretty post card!! i would have been fun to have been a little mouse listening to their conversation back in 1912! wow, that's almost 100 years ago (yikes!)!

    and twyla, i wanted to let you know that your name was chosen as one of the winners of my giveaway!! woo hoo!! please e-mail me your snail-mail address, as well as the name of the print you've chosen (you can visit my shop to see the selection!). thanks SO much for your sweet support of my blog! xox

  13. This is such a treasure. I love vintage postcards, too, and they are even better when they have a sweet sentiment.

    Thank you for participating in this very special Pink Saturday. I hope your visitors will come over to comment and help us to raise more money for the next Miracle Makeover. The good news is that you can leave a comment each day through the 18th, and each comment earns $1.00. So, please come comment again and again.

  14. How wonderful...a mother/daughter blog! That's a true treasure, indeed.

    I love things vintage, and I think in part because they remind me of childhood days and my mother. Beautiful postcard and sentiment.

    Blessings for the day,


Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We LOVE each and every one!