Saturday, August 6, 2011

Pink Saturday: Where Women Create

Hello Pink Ladies!
The latest issue of my favorite magazine is out!
Isn't this a pretty cover!
Pink and yellow are one of my favorite color combinations!

I can't tell you how inspiring this issue was!
You must simply get a copy yourself and indulge in
the dream affirming, motivating articles!
It has left me with the idea that I can do anything!

There are so many great people featured in this issue.
I was particularly mesmerized by the article by Susan Branch.

Every dream begins with a dreamer.

Neglect not the gift that is in thee.  - 1 Timothy 4:14

Be sure to visit Beverly and all the other
Pink Saturday posts!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday Twyla Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share this evening. I have not seen this magazine yet, I will have to check the stands. Especially if it has left you feeling as though you can do anything.

    Looks as though you have the book, the paint and the brushes. I can't wait to see what comes off your craft table.

    Have a wonderful weekend sweetie. Country hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry

  2. Such a wonderful blog you have and I love that you both work together to use the talents God gave you!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. I have a couple of friends in the States right now and have asked them to be on the lookout for this magazine for me. I would love to get my hands on it! :) Have a great day. Tammy

  4. Hurray for happy pink and yellow! Twyla, I'm glad you have magazines that you enjoy and that help motivate you! I actually feel some motivation this morning for the first time in a long time! It sure makes a difference- doesn't it?!

    Have a great day! ♥

  5. Hi Twyla,
    it's my first time visiting here. And what a lovely post I found! Every dream begins with a dreamer... it's a wonderful idea to meditate on, this weekend!
    My best and happy PS,

  6. Hey Girl!

    OOOO! I haven't gotten one of these mags in a while, but I see that Tim Holtz is in it. A trip to B&N is in order!!

  7. I'll be looking for this!! Every girl needs inspiration.

  8. I've hard of this magazine, but never seen it. I'll have to check the newsstand. Happy PS!

  9. Oh, that magazine looks fab. Hope UK shores get it one day to :D

  10. oooh, i have a really great reason to head out to the book store! thanks for the good review (and i LOVE susan branch!). happy saturday, pink and all!! :))

  11. love this mag too - thanks for sharing and letting us know it is OUT now! Happy pink saturday!

  12. Hello Twyla and Lindsey, Happy Pink Saturday! Love your pink post this week. I love this magazine too and I also love Susan Branch. I'll have to look for it on the newstand. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment.
    Have a great week! Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  13. Lovely Blog! I really enjoyed reading through it :) You have a new "follower" :)

    <3 Minuet

  14. Just found your blog! LOVE it:) Thanks for the kind words about Where Women Create. We'll add you to our blog roll. Have a wonderful day~Paige

  15. I have already devoured my copy and won't stop re-reading it. T!m Holtz is rocking "Where Women Create". Fabulous inspiration in this issue. Blissful weekend...

  16. How wonderful to see a mother/daughter craft team! I love it! Your faith graphic in the right sidebar totally fits in with a themed prayer cards swap I'm hosting on Swap-Bot. Do you remember where you go that image? It's beautiful!

  17. Is that Heather Bailey on the cover? It looks like her.

  18. Oh I have to go get this issue!! It does look pretty!! Kinda reminds you of lemonade!! LOL XO Fran.

  19. I'm writing to ask a favor! I can't get Creative Breathing to come up this morning! Do you have E.s other blog address? I don't want to lose her! Thanks! ♥


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