Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello dear ladies!
I had a birthday Sunday and
I just had to share with you this sweet
gift that I received from my son.

It's a child's cupboard and is one of the cutest
things I have ever seen!

Birthdays are sweet and I am coming to terms
with the mounting years.  In fact, I feel very
blessed to be my age!

You've heard it said that if you'd known you
would have lived this long you'd have taken better
care of yourself.  I think I've reached that age
and regret some of the choices I've made.

I don't, however, feel that it's too late for me to make
some positive affirmations toward a healthier
lifestyle.  Drink more water, eat more fruit and
vegetables, eat less sugar, exercise more.

I have always had a positive attitude and look
forward to the second half of my life with faith
that it will be just as productive and fulfilling.

I have goals and dreams and plans.
I don't believe that there is an expiration
date on your dreams.  I have
many things I still want to do!

Thank you for stopping by and visiting with me
today.  I hope enjoyed seeing my sweet
little cupboard.  It almost looks bigger in these
pictures than it really is.  It stands just over 45"
tall.  It still has all it's original glass knobs!
Have a beautiful day!


  1. Oh my gosh - what a wonderful birthday present! Your son is precious to have given it to you! I love what you have put inside and your words were beautiful. Happy Birthday!
    Hugs, Patti

  2. What a beautiful little cupboard and so special that your son chose it for you.
    Thanks for sharing it.
    EllenaElizabeth, Australia

  3. Your son has great taste, this piece is gorgeous! You are one lucky lady!

  4. Belated birthday wishes to you! The cupboard is absolutely a delight :) Best wishes and happy crafting, Jenny

  5. Happy Belated Birthday! What a fantastic present. Ones like that are to be treasured and enjoyed!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday! What a sweet little cupboard, absolutely love it!!
    Great post...

  7. Your son knows you well! What a great gift and certainly doesn't take long to fill it with lovely vintage treasures. Happy belated birthday to you! Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  8. AWESOME little cupboard!!! It's just so sweet! Great gift!!!
    I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Nice blue kitty items inside. I have a shaker with it's little saucer.
    Have a great day!
    deb :)

  9. happy belated birthday!
    oh my ~ 45 inches tall ~
    i was fooled by the pictures
    i thought it was a lot bigger
    what a wonderful birthday gift!

  10. Happy Birthday a little late:) What a wonderful gift from your Son! Looks like it is always having good use! Hope you enjoy this glorious day! HUGS!

  11. Happy birthday, Twyla! What a cute cabinet.

  12. Adorable cabinet, your Son really knows what you like. I LOVE your words, "there is no expiration date on your dreams". How very true.

  13. What an adrorable little hutch! And with the original knobs,too! You will have so much fun playing with it! Glad it was a good birthday for you and yes, let's keep dreaming and taking good care of ourselves! ♥

  14. Fabulous! Happy Birthday. You are on the same path to Wellness I am. As I reflect I am getting better every day.

    Enjoy your wonderful cabinet it is simply lovely.

  15. Happy Birthday. Sweet birthday gift. Treasure every birthday as it beats the alternative.

  16. Belated birthday greetings, Twyla. Your son sure did do a great job in selecting your birthday gift. It is so cute and I love how you have accessorized it. You will have a lot of fun playing with it. :)

  17. How great and Happy Birthday! Your cupboard is amazing and I know you will so enjoy it!
    Hugs, Lisa

  18. Happy birthday, Twyla! What a sweet painted cupboard! The trim matches the pretty crocheted bowl you showed in the last post.

  19. Well first off ~ happy birthday! And how lucky you are to have such a thoughtful son!


  20. That is such a pretty cabinet..wonderful gift! !
    Happy Birthday!

  21. What a wonderful gift. You sure have a great son!
    Happy belated Birthday to you.


  22. Happy Birthday, milady! What a precious little hutch - and such fun things displayed inside! Enjoy!
    Miss Kathy

  23. Happy Belated Birthday Twyla! The little cupboard is so sweet and the perfect display piece for some cherished collectibles. What a great gift! I agree with you 100% on your thought about aging and the need to take better care of ourselves. Some things we can't control but we need to pay attention to the things about our health that we do have a say over. I think of you often and hope you are feeling OK.

  24. Well you must be one special Mom to get a gift that is so thoughtful from a son. He must really know what Mom loves. Happy Birthday by the way!

  25. Beautiful, your son has great taste Twyla, and HAPPY BELATED birthday to you...
    I don't know how old you are but I bet we're near the same age, my birthday was Tuesday July 26th...
    I'm with you on the trying to eat healthier and do the right things now..lol!


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