Friday, April 8, 2011

My Creative Space and Giveaway!

Hello friends!
This week I was inspired by Disney's Alice in Wonderland!
 So my newest altered composition notebook theme is a Happy Un-Birthday book.

I used pages from a Big Golden Book to cover both the front and back covers from the infamous mad tea party pages! I dyed seam binding to create a vintage looking bow.  I absolutely love this Vintage Pearl Trinket Pins by Maya Road. This was my last one and I can't find them anywhere to buy more.

The first page features these great Alice stamps that are by Crafty Secrets.
Upon the first line it says: Greetings from Wonderland.

The inside cover has been decorated as well and features this cute decorative kraft envelope for storing ephemera.

On the back cover the Mad Hatter and the March Hare
 are drinking their tea!

This journal is now available here in our etsy shop!

Giveaway time!!!!
We are giving this set of cute and colorful Easter paper and embellishments!
This giveaway includes 7 sheets of coordinating paper, matching tags, a hand stamped large tag, a decorative kraft envelope and dyed seam binding!

Just leave a comment on this post and we will randomly draw a winner on Sunday, April 10.

Wishing you happiness, Lindsey


  1. Oh this is so cute you did a great job. A give away yeah I'm in for Easter stuff.

  2. Lindsey, you inspire me so much.

    Seriously. I finally found the perfect white paint pen to make "stitches" like you do, because I don't sew. Can't tread a bobbin to save my life.

    Thank you for this blog, all the little cards, and the tutorials! I love me some tutorials...even if a project seems easy, seeing it broken down into parts makes it easier to apply to any number of project ideas.

    Have a great day and happy Easter!

  3. The journal is very lovely! Count me in for the giveaway of the Easter pack.

  4. I love the Alice book with the pearl pin. And the paper with Alice. So adorable!

  5. Love your journal! Aren't they fun to make! I would love to win these goodies - I've been making Easter banners and these would be great for those! Thanks, Becky G. in GA

  6. Hi, I am reading blogs this morning before we leave for doctor appointments. I love your book. It is so cute. I always enjoy visiting, just been a little busy lately. I would love to enter your giveaway. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.

  7. The journal is adorable! The Easter craftiness is lovely!!

  8. Hi Lindsey! WOW, this brought back so many memories for me because I had this exact book as a child and guess what? It was a birthday gift! I love what you've done with your composition book, so cute. Have a great weekend, Nan

  9. ho conosciuto il tuo blog grazie a pinterest trovo le tue creazioni fantastiche e sono felice di essere una tua nuova followers ciao rosa.kreattiva

  10. The Alice in Wonderland journal is darling. You are very talented. Thank you for offering this giveaway.

  11. This is so cute and so creative! Awesome Job:)

  12. You girls are so cheerful! I stop into your little world here every single morning. Almost always around 9:10, I ready my "news" in a certain order, so that happens to be Two Crazy Crafters time slot!

    I would be honored if I was fortunate enough to win your Easter pack giveaway. I promise to use it with love and care...and fun...with a little bit of crazy.

    Thank you!

  13. The Alice book is adorable! I still haven't found Crafty Secrets items in the shops here, yet the owner lives a few miles from me! I guess I'll have to visit her in person! You always inspire me with your lovely items. Have a great day!

  14. I love the Journal!!!
    You are so creative and talented.
    Thank you
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  15. Lindsey, this is a cute project! As for the vintage pins you can create your own with various size pearls, glue and a head pin from a bead store!

  16. Love your Happy Un-Birthday Book ~ it's Fantastic! Hope you have a Wonderful weekend!
    Nancy xx :D

  17. Super cute idea! Count me in for the giveaway. Thanks!

  18. Stopping in to say hello and tell you how much I have been enjoying your altered notebooks. Also, your Chinese post was too cute for words! Have a great weekend! Elizabeth

  19. Adorable! Personally I am a huge fan of the white rabbit.

  20. The journal is terrific! I love seeing what you made each week--always so pretty and creative!

  21. Your work is always so great! I'd love to win the pretty papers. Please come by and enter my giveaway!!

  22. I love it, I also love the bunny postcard on the previous post. Have a great week-end...m..

  23. Love things made from Golden book images! This is so pretty. Could you make the pins yourself by getting corsage pins with "pearls" on the end, and adding other beads to the pin? You could add a dab of glue to the pin to secure the beads.
    Love your giveaway idea, too! xoxo

  24. Hey Ladies,

    Count me in.......I'll take anything I can get for free!!!!

    Lindsey girl your journals are just amazing, what wonderful details you get in them.

    Big Hugs,

  25. Happy Easter! Do you girls celebrate Lent? Count me in please.

  26. You make the sweetest journals, Lindsey!

    Thanks for the give away, girls! I would love to win! ♥

  27. Love your blog! And, love the Alice in Wonderland book! I would be honored to win this giveaway!

  28. EEEEEEE! Just in the nick of time. count me in I would love this!

  29. It looks great !!!! I have that Big Golden and Cinderella from my childhood. Don't you just LOVE the happy techno-colored graphics ? Thanks for all of your inspiration !!! Happy Weekend !!! Hugs to you both !! :) :) :)

  30. Todo lo que haces me parece precioso y tus post una maravilla de leer.

  31. As a No 1 fan of Alice in Wonderland I can't help but think this is rather fabulous!!

    Victoria xx

  32. I can see you really have grown into a expert crafter since you started your job at the scrapbook store. You have come a long way baby. This journal is the cheshire cat's meow!


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