Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wish Upon A Star

Hello friends!

Doesn't this sweet card make you want to wish upon a star?
I just love that the little angels are stitching the stars!
Can you believe this is a Christmas card?

We are wishing you a day of fun and creativity, Lindsey and Twyla


  1. Hi,my blog is ozgrkdn...there are forbidden on all of my country blogs..We changed our DNS...Can you see my blog,please do you write me?Because I couldn't see visitors on my blog a long time!!Thank you....

  2. What an adorable blog. So glad I stopped ny. Becs

  3. I'm glad I stopped by too...thank you for visiting me the other day!

    Loving that card...and loving the fact your OH took you to McDonalds on your first date! On my first date my equally gorgeous future OH asked me if I'd been eating onions!!! (I had...)and he still married ME!

    Will be back soon with more time to dwell....fee x

  4. Certainly seems this card would be fitting for many occasions. Love your anniversary post. When you take chances, a whole world opens up to you. Look where I'm at! :)Wishing you and yours all the best, Tammy

  5. Cute card:) Thanks for sharing it, Christmas? or anyday:) HUGS!

  6. What a sweet card. I love everything about it ~ the angels, bluebirds and the soft pastel colors. So glad you shared it today.

  7. Thank you so much for visiting me at Marmee's Pantry! OH...MY...GOODNESS! I am in love w/your sweet & beautiful blog! I will be visiting often.

    Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><

  8. Oh this card is just too sweet and the image could be used a lot of ways.

  9. LOVE this card! How sweet! ♥

  10. Oh, how sweet! It reminds me of an old Disney movie, where the birds or the mice would flit about and sew a gown for Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty! Thank you for stopping by and commenting on our crazy Baby kitty! ... Donna

  11. I may print this one out today! It sure brings back memories of sleeping next to a window when I was growing up....and wishing upon a star every night! ♥


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