Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

I was all packed to go.

I was moving here.

This was going to be my favorite room to hang out in.

I was going to sit here and knit.
I was really looking forward to that.

From the first time I saw this house on Jan. 1st, I just
knew it was going to be mine.
I entered twice a day every day until Feb. 18th.
I thought my chances were great.

I had high hopes right up till Saturday night.
I'd like to congratulate the lovely family that
is moving into the HGTV dreamhome.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. aww that house had your name written all over it!!! maybe next year my dear!! ;)

  2. What a cute post! I'm sorry you didn't get the house - can you imagine the size of the craft room you & Lindsey could have?

  3. You had me going for a while...Sorry you didn't win. I can just imagine the girls nights you could have there. Maybe next year...

  4. You win some, you loose some! Too bad though, it looked like a great house to craft in!

  5. I am back to bloggin 'cause I missed everyone so much! Have a Wonderful Day!!
    p.s. I saw the house & mentally moved in too!! LOL!!

  6. OHHHH I wish you had won:) Maybe next time:) HUGS!

  7. Aw, sorry sweetie! Is that Colorado? I love it there- hard Winters, though. I don't think anything could persuade me to move again- except maybe my landlord! ♥

  8. Hey Girlfriend,

    I know how you feel. I wanted the one in Napa Valley, CA, sooooo badly! Oh well, I guess God knows I couldn't afford the taxes afterwards. It's really nice now that they have added in extra cash, just for that purpose. Maybe next year Twyla!

    Big Hugs,

  9. We MUST have our dreams! Maybe next time!
    Happy Tuesday!

  10. Sorry you didn't win Twyla....it is a beautiful home....I didn't enter once this time...we had one of these beautiful dream homes built very close to me a few years back...I entered daily as you did....a man from Chicago won...he didn't get to keep it though...he couldn't afford the taxes and upkeep for it...its always fun dreaming though... I always feel like God knows what we truly have need of....so,I am content in my humble little mobile home until such time as he sees fit to move me else where :)

  11. I failed to mention that the little suitcase is what really tugged at my heart strings....it very sweet :)

  12. I was right there with you sister! I was already to go too. Dreaming of lounging in this house. I feel you pain. =)

  13. Well, darn ... I think you should have been the winner. That looks like a beautiful place to sit and knit in.

  14. A DARLING post! So happy you led me here. I've enjoyed wandering through and look forward to more loveliness here! Happy Spring :-)

  15. Such a lovely home. I wish you had won too so I could come over and sit in that wonderful room and knit right along with you :-)

    Happy Spring!

  16. I must admit that I hadn't even seen the house this year. I just don't watch HGTV anymore. They took off all the shows I liked. But the house is beautiful, sorry you didn't win!

  17. Oh, I'm sorry you didn't win.....but if you'd like, I own a dream house in Vermont (built just for me by my dear husband)--it isn't quite so opulent but you can come and knit anytime. I don't have the same mountain view but it is lovely here in my neck of the woods. Of course, HGTV will have another dream house next year. You can always try again. Thanks for you fun blog! ~Kathy

  18. OH did they already have the drawing? I'll have to tell my husband he didn't win either! (Yes, HE entered!)

  19. What a shame you missed out, I'm always the same with the lottery, I convince myself I'll win and am so disappointed in the morning when I don't!!

    Victoria xx

  20. Hi Twyla!
    ...don't fall over, it's really me! visiting you for a change!
    Happy Spring!


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