Saturday, February 5, 2011

Full Of Hopes

Hello friends!
Today's valentine is a cute little cowboy
that I used for a tag I showed here on the blog last week.
I think he's got the cutest little face!

Be sure to come back by tomorrow for another valentine tutorial!

Wishing you all a lovely Saturday, Lindsey


  1. Hallo dear crafters,

    Here a little note from Holland.Love your site and your crafts.
    Would like to invite you for my Challenge! I have invited people to make "something special" [a card, a mobile, a painting or just dressing ] of my paperdolls.
    Would you come and take a look?

    Love and greetings

  2. Thanks So Much!!! He is adorable!!! Great for the boys!!! hugs

  3. I love this little guy! Enjoy your weekend! ♥♥♥

  4. Hi Twyla and Lindsey!
    Sorry I haven't been around in a while. Glad to be back!

    What a darling little boy in his cowboy hat! I have photos of my husband and his brother in their cowboy outfits when they were kid. Darling!

    Thanks for the card and the memory.
    Hope you have a cozy and creative weekend.

  5. He is a cutie! Thanks! I hope you girls get to do something fun this week end! ♥

  6. Your valentines are bringing back memories of grade school, and the valentine exchange. Thanks.

  7. Hi Girls! I've been going backwards looking at lots of posts. I don't get to blog nearly as much since I'm working again. Miss all of your cuteness!! :)


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